There have been many changes in the field of loan modification since it began in 2007 on the force. Even more important was the systematic weeding fraudulent providers was installed to take advantage of homeowners in trouble by charging an initial ever do any work. I say now and I repeat once again what is the most important information you need to know when seeking a loan modification: Never pay a loan modification?
Thatcan negotiate a loan modification?
She - that's right. Although it may be an advantage to have a professional help in the process, nothing prevents a loan modification fumbled on his own.
Foreclosure consultant - These individuals tend to be professionals who are not licensed and can be for profit or nonprofit organizations. After July 1, 2009 in California, all foreclosure consultants must be registered with the AttorneyGeneral Office and a bond in the amount of $ 100,000 (California Civil Code Section 2945.45).
Lawyer - any lawyer licensed in the state in the pending foreclosure. You can find all lawyers registered in search
Real Estate Broker or Agent - The most common source for advice and help negotiate a loan modification or short sale. Although not all real estate agents have the experience to qualify as experts,if allowed to help the current owners of real estate license. You can find out if your agent or broker is licensed with the Department of Real Estate site
Protect yourself against scams loan modification. How to detect fraud foreclosure.
Should not take this in the first paragraph, never pay upfront for a loan modification? In California, this practice is illegal. It is also important to remember that if it sounds too good to be true,is likely. As a stated income loan with a rate of "leakage" is unexpectedly low interest, loan mod terms that fail the test of aspiration is unlikely to prove.
I have listed below some of the loan modification scams more common for the review and catalog:
Still start the loan modification counselor is asked to pay a fee before obtaining a loan of permanent change successful. I never repeat, pay upfront for a loanCHANGE!
The foreclosure consultant to tell you to make monthly payments to him / her instead of his bank during the loan modification process. This should never happen.
The consultant who acts as a branch of government. Often, the use of names that sound like they are related and that the government asks you to pay upfront for the benefit of a special government programs or HAFA interrelated in Hampi. These groups suggested that their company is directly related toprogram and make you pay to confirm they are eligible. Your lender will tell you if you are eligible for free Hamp. You can also see the waterfall in Hamp.
Decoy "rescue loans". It is imperative that all read and understand what they are signing. Lure rescue loans will ask the owner to sell the title at home to third parties in exchange for a new loan with a low loan balance changed. Again, if it sounds too good to be true ...
Rentthe owner and leasing schemes. Be aware of who you are dealing with care and not deprive me of the sign on the title to people or companies who asked to sign the most promising way to sell the property that once the process is complete. These actions may also ask the landlord to quit during the process, allowing the "consultant" to collect the rent until the house is in the final analysis, the foreclosure sale. In this case, the consultant has not completed the change, however, only postponedforeclosure by allowing them to collect rent for a longer period.
To add to this list, released by the CA Attorney General printing, forensic loan audits to focus. In this scenario, the consulting firm that uses forensic loan control as a means to get the house to pay in advance the necessary tools to complete the modification, in this case the forensic evidence of loans. Once the fee is paid, no work and the modification of the loan never happens.
What you need to know to go toWhat are your chances of success?
The foreclosure process is stressful and often overwhelming. In many cases, the home owner is willing to suspend reality, to try everything and all the confidence that promises to allow them to remain at home. Promoting greater confusion in the process of loan modification is the fact that many homeowners in default to refinance or stated income loans to purchase. Every home should know before entering the process of loan modificationmust have an income to qualify for a loan modification.
This is worth repeating: if you can document enough income to pay the mortgage (which is a new lower mortgage payment) will not get a loan modification? Moreover, even if the bank has taken the floor when qualified for the loan documents and asks you to confirm your income will certainly be the first to agree to modify your loan. In general, the goal of a loan modification is the reduction ofmonthly payments for an amount equal to 31% of income before taxes.
The banks also require the discomfort before seeking a change. Examples of the difficulties generally accepted divorce, death of a wage earner, loss of employment or income, the forced relocation of a job, or waiting for higher interest rates. They will not modify your loan because you would like to refinance, if your current income is consistent with the monthly payment.
Then, banks expect to spend their savingsfirst consider modifying your loan. Two things to note: first, some of their retirement accounts are off limits due to ERISA laws, that is, banks can not go after or require you to settle in order to make the mortgage payments. Second, it is generally accepted that the banks expect a homeowner with less than two and a half of the current month's payment, before modifying a loan. For example, if your monthly mortgage payment was $ 100 and you had $ 250your savings account (2 1 / 2 times the load), the bank hopes to use that money before you change your loan.
A final note on this subject, think twice to request a loan modification simply postpone a foreclosure or short sale. Almost anyone can get a temporary change through your bank. The argument suggested here is that the bank is trying to collect a bad debt, to assess its ability to bring the banks to try to collect anyand all financial information provided to collect bad debts later. If you are false or no hope of building a case of a change to show income and assets, such information can be detrimental to their short sale negotiations.
Loan modification is not required by JP Morgan Chase
A couple of things in history have achieved the mythical status, the Fountain of Youth, once the contents of Al Capone. Our housing market has reduced theloan modification is not required by Chase / WaMu. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to tell you there. Accompanied by a letter from Steve Stein, Head of Residential Care Chase (I could not find a link to the department in the Chase, but the phone number: (888) 368-5524) offer was received and accepted by a of my clients in Southern California.
According to documents from Chase, his "credit is admissible (i) special program developed aspart of the efforts announced by Chase to preserve homeownership in America. "According to my client was never contacted with a request for Chase for a loan modification, nor had he ever lost or been late on any payments on your mortgage.
In reviewing the offer with her, I realized I was 100% under water on your loan (previous balance of about $ 600,000, the fair market value estimated at $ 300,000) and interest rate was reset the following month. This is also an owner-occupiedthe properties of a stated income, option arm, variable rate loan. Chase The set of changes fixed interest rate of 5% of the loan term, restore the repayment period to 30 years from the date of change and hope .... reduce the principal balance of approximately $ 250,000.
My point of bringing this to the attention of all on three occasions: first, pay attention to letters and phone calls from your lender offers posted today, but most are just collectingcalls, some lenders are actively trying to help homeowners modify their loans. Secondly, I received several phone calls from customers regarding offers of this kind so far found very little information about these offers through the Internet or other sources. I wanted to share a success story to tell you all these possibilities exist.
Finally, I wanted to emphasize the importance of principal reduction as a solution to the current housing crisis (only in the event that any influenceBankers and politicians are reading). In the example above, my client is in sixty years, educated, have perfect credit, and was fully aware of current market value of your home. Like many homeowners in similar situations is responsible and proud of their attention to financial obligations. As such, she was reluctant to seek help, while still unable to pay, and he felt morally that a strategic default.
After the process is completed and shared anxiety and fearwith two years of waiting for payment to increase, realizing that he was hoping to refinance into a fixed rate loan, and knowing that he could sell or find another property to buy. Your loan modification has an hour to get a lawyer, fifteen minutes to complete the documentation provided in the packet sent to Chase, and was developed and completed before your next payment is due 15 days after received.
Seek the common good
It seems to meThere are two ways to approach an obstacle. One is self-par and move to minimize the negative impact it may meet individually, and the other is to proactively seek solutions to remove the obstacle and move to the collective good. In fact, anyone who has seen the movie A Beautiful Mind, you realize that John Nash won the Nobel Prize for his theory of games, suggesting that these strategies lead to the best possible results.
Like millions of Americans are now under water in your home, Iclient was reluctant to address the problem until it was swift and had little chance of settlement. Banks need to minimize losses and increase revenues. As Chase and other institutions to grow their loss mitigation and REO departments to handle thousands of short sales, foreclosures and loan modifications that flooding can not work, took a letter by certified mail to complete a loan modification that required no income documentation, no explanation of discomfort anddo not require round negotiations. President Obama and our current administration policy are determined to help homeowners stay, and prevent fraud, predatory foreclosure scams put out of business, and find a quick end to the housing crisis. This was achieved overnight at a client's proactive response to the obstacle Chase before them and a strategy of mutual benefit to the benefit of the greater good.
This change would not be possiblewithout reducing the principal. Thus, the bank will minimize your losses and place a greater likelihood of loan repayment, and to avoid a foreclosure more than mitigate the adverse impact on the neighborhood and its loan portfolio - a positive step for the crisis housing in general.
As with any financial issue, a loan modification should not be taken lightly and the prospects of success must be considered before starting. Banks are the collectors and the use ofinformation in order to collect that debt. If you provide false information to the present ability to pay do not really have to work against you if you decide to conduct a short sale. And finally, one last time, never pay upfront for a loan modification?