Thursday, September 30, 2010

What rules debt collectors must follow when he calls?

The Federal Trade Commission has established rules that define the proper practice of debt collection. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act defines specific things to do when a debt collector may not contact you about a debt. Learn the rules that debt collectors must follow when they call.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was added toConsumer Credit Protection Act in 1978 as Title VIII. It defines the rights of consumers when it comes to debt, and prohibits the practice of debt collection that are abusive and harassment. If it is a debt collector violates the FDCPA, you are entitled to file a formal complaint against them and stop the harassment.

Who must comply with the FDCPA?

A debt collector is a person or Companies that use e-mail or other communications or interstate commerce entities, the main purpose of collecting debts for someone else. Federal law does not apply to domestic debt collectors, who are trying to collect a debt that originated with them. In other words, this law applies to companies that collect debts for other companies. However, some states have similar rules for companies that collect their debts.

The FDCPA provides the things> Collectors should do when you are trying to collect a debt, as well as things that are not allowed to do.

What debt collectors DO

- They tell you they are trying to collect a debt and that any information you learn to use to collect debt

- Give the name and address of the original creditor to make a written request for

- A notice of their right todispute in whole or in part with debt collector

That debt can not "NOT

- We get in touch before 08:00 or after 21:00 time

- Do you want to contact everyone when asked to stop writing, except to say they have ceased collection activity or who wish to pursue other resources

- Do you want to contact on the job after saying no to them

- Please contact aftertell them you are represented by counsel

- Ti contact after request validation of debt

- Falsifying or lying about themselves than they are to intimidate or deceive you

- Add the name or address of a "bad debt" list

- They threaten to arrest or legal action is permitted or not, or will not do

- Use physical threats or threats of violence towards you

-Use offensive language or profanity towards you

- Repeatedly use the telephone to annoy

- To discuss your debt with any other person that your spouse or a lawyer

- Threatens to make a false report to any credit reporting agency

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What to do if collection agencies are overzealous

Collection agencies are notorious for skirting the law by attempting to collect the money they deserve. He does not speak English and people with low incomes are often victims of their illegal and deceptive practices. But anyone who has had an account sent to collection could find its destination. If you are a victim of any of their habits in the shadows, fall back on.

Some of the common practices used by collection agencieshave to use bad language, threats or intimidation to obtain money from debtors. Have also been known to impersonate law enforcement personnel or falsity of the documents in their attempt to get money. Sometimes, they even brought the adult children or parents of debtors in the fray. None of these practices are allowed. Even debtors have rights and those rights are specifically protected by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The lawprovides for recourse to those who have been victims of repeated violations, especially if they have a witness. If you can demonstrate that their rights have been violated, you may also file a lawsuit or, possibly, receive punitive damages.

If you were the victim of a collection agency over-zealous, you owe it to yourself and others accountable for their misdeeds. To do so, immediately file a formal complaint with the relevant authorities. Not only to help prevent other victims, butcould lead to a remission of their total debt.

Agencies that want to pursue a lawsuit also contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and your state's Consumer Protection Agency (CPA). Your original lender may also be interested in knowing the outrageous behavior by the private collection agency because they may be responsible for their behavior in some cases.

The first thing to do is send a letter to your lender that outlines the specificviolations by the collection agency. Communicate your willingness to forgo any further legal action in exchange for total debt cancellation, plus the removal of anything negative connected with him on your credit report. This could end the matter, because most creditors do not want to risk the embarrassment and potential damage to his reputation as a lawsuit.

Victims of abuse by the overzealous collection agencies have specific legal protections. In the exercise ofcomplaint, check for violations have been fully documented and have a witness, if possible. Creditors may be held liable for the illegal actions of collection agencies made on their behalf. Permanent that if they have been victims of unscrupulous collection agency can benefit both potential victims and their wallet.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Debt collection and choose the type of collection process

When you owe money, you can often feel like people are coming out of the woodwork with their hands, even if you can legitimately owe them money, do not necessarily feel good. For those who are in debt, which almost always means talking with a debt collector, who will try to recover part or all of the money owed.

debt collectors and collection agencies can often act very aggressive, but are regulated by the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, which establishes a strict set of rules to be followed by these agencies. With understanding and asserting their rights, can greatly minimize the effects of these agents may have on your life, even if the accounts payable are usually not covered by this policy.

The collector may be a generic term and refers rather to someone trying to recover the debt or debt that is due toor the debt is owed to others. There are several types of collection agencies, but can be basically divided into shares and debt service of the house party debt collection agencies, third. The latter, in the collection of debts for housing, is used to refer to companies or companies that are collecting their debt holdings. Often in house collection agencies debt are not subject to the same rules and regulations of the debt of third partiesservices, but this varies from state to state.

Part of third-party debt collectors or bailiffs Outside are companies whose goal is to collect all the money to other independent companies. For example, a hospital may have an outside company to manage debt collections. In general, selection of external agencies should be more stringent than the house debt collectors-in.

There are advantages to both typescollection agency, with the collection of third-party agencies are sometimes less expensive to work, because they have lower costs. recover the debt out too often are much more prepared and the cost advantage comes from not having to configure and implement a new division within the company not only to manage the collections, but also ensure the company acts within the limits of the law.

As with consumer debt, is veryimportant to know yourself with the requirements and regulations presented in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The FDCPA is a set of rules and regulations governing as a collection agency may contact a debtor. Not meeting these requirements may lead to legal problems in fines for collectors, and the opening to demand. As a result, many find that the complexity and risksinvolved with the management of domestic debt in collections, loss of freedom than found with the use of external consultants to carry debt.

Monday, September 27, 2010

You Do not Have Rights - Dealing with debt collectors

As a professional in the field of debt settlement within long, I have written many articles related to the crime of credit card debt and the procedures used by bill collectors also highly unethical. It's been a long time since I felt the need to return to putting pen to paper and provide additional information about this topic, but a recent event led to the desire to provide consumers with information on the practices employed by some project lawcollectors.

Last year I spoke with a woman who was interested in solving their bad debts. Unfortunately, this potential customer has chosen to deal with debt in itself, and the end result was not sure she did not take initiative at the right time to contact the creditors. For this reason, their accounts have been outstanding for more than a year with little communication between the debtor and its creditors.

Obviously, thisaccount balances of people just do not go away and finally, the accounts have been transferred to a collection agency. A collector calls this person in your workplace, and was quite upset and belligerent, so the potential customer informed collector who could not speak, and should hang up the phone.

Interestingly, after two hours he received a second call to work - this time by those who thought he was an employee ofMortgage Company. You see, the caller said: "This is Belinda from the mortgage company, call just to give you a warning. We have just received a call from a collection agency stating that soon put a link to your property to. Yes, it can raise interest rates. We do not want to do this, so if you are able to pay this afternoon they said they would not put a lien on the house. "

Receiving this type of call is sure to rattlecage of the average consumer, right? So, the next step was to call me. Well, I've heard certain that a lien can not be placed on a property unless a lawsuit was filed, and the award. My client (who decided to take our company in this period of time) informed me that she was not aware of a claim. It took me gently and calmed down from this point. I called the collection agency and talked to a collector so angry, I was not happy that she could notmore harass my client, and instead was treated to a professional who knows the pros and cons of debt collections and arrears. We were able to receive phone calls to my client was stopped, and eventually settled the debt for 25% of the balance, the payment card credit debt with the original creditor.

Before the end of us successfully, however, it was learned that the mortgage company call actually came from the collector. The billcollector has been going through the mortgage company official in an attempt to scare our customers, to resolve the debt and obtain a well-deserved. This story does not end there, of course, we will continue the debt collection agency, by contacting our customers Attorney General, and also reported the conduct of the Federal Trade Commission. After all, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) exists for the benefit of consumers andno reason to accept this type of abuse by debt collectors.

If you have been harassed by a bill collector, please consider carefully the FDCPA laws, and certainly do not believe everything a collector says it is his job to collect the money and unfortunately now many collectors will do everything to .

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Death and credit cards - what to do when the time comes

Few think about death and the deceased credit card debt of a relative or friend without someone at the top of the situation and immediately inform the family about what to do and not do or the money will be lost and any heirs summer .

State laws vary in the amount of land is managed so that the best course of action long after the death of a holder of a credit card is to use the federal law, including the Fair Debt Collection PracticesTo remove the debit card as a person who would live with some minor differences.

undertakers to notify the Social Security Administration death of people, helping to create the file of death certificates and obituaries of public records. Absolutely not want to send the information to a credit card company yet.

The delivery of death certificates for the credit card companies or collectors only makes them salivate when they think of eating a legacy for not sendingcertificates to the creditors. If the credit card companies or debt collectors call, you can honestly say that the person is not here and offer to take a message. Do not give any information on any phone.

Keep the card company or collection in the dark for as long as possible. This will give the executor or responsible for maintaining the time to organize. As soon as possible after the burial of the dead needs are met, the executor should immediatelycollect all information on credit card accounts and physically destroy the plastic credit cards. The use of a credit card after death is a fraud.

Now you can send a letter by certified mail with return receipt to the card company or collection agency notifying them that represent the heritage of the dead and ask for verification of the debt allegedly owed by the estate that is captured , total surprise.

The card company or the receiver can send your old account billingstatements that show absolutely nothing. If you have a collection of first-class units can not actually submit an affidavit from a person saying the statement is true that the basis for filing a lawsuit against the collection company in the hope of obtaining the right Required retention properties.

As executor you go to the county courthouse and file a sworn denial on behalf of the property, which will be presented to the court and a copysent to the card company or the receiver. This will require a living witness who has had personal knowledge of the deceased has to be done to any legal process.

The sworn denial is simply a statement denying the debt, if there is a debt that is not owned debt if the debt is owned, then it is the right amount. The card company will not be able to produce this witness what his chances of winning a lawsuit against the sentence orproperty is lost.

Although this information may seem a bit "sad, when you need to know about death and credit card balances or credit card companies and collectors will have a large part or all of the property and all the heirs were near them.

Not only does this process can be used by the property, is also the best way to surviving spouses or other died on the credit card account, to reject any application or card companies could Collectibleshave.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Practices Fair Debt Collection Act

The purpose of the law, passed in September 1977 was to eliminate abusive debt collectors debt recovery and promote action was consistent to protect consumers against debt collection abuses and invasions of individual privacy.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act laid down specific guidelines on the following aspects:

1. AcquisitionInformation [Sec 804]

Any debt collector seeking to acquire information on the location of a consumer to identify himself and his purpose correctly and if it is also necessary to present information to your employer. At no time during the search process, a collector or imply that the consumer has some debt, which amounts to a violation of individual privacy. Once the investigation process is completed, all correspondence will be followed by the prosecutor thatconsumer only.

2. Consumer Communication Sec [805]

The collector may not contact the consumer at any time or place, which is known to be inconvenient for the consumer. If the collector has information that a lawyer representing consumers, then all communications with the consumer should be made only if the lawyer does not respond to the statement of the collector.

3. Abuse or harassment of [the consumer Sec. 806]

A debtcollector may not engage in any conduct the natural consequence is to harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with the collection of a debt. A collector may not resort to violence or threats to force the consumer to require the collector.

4. Misrepresentation of recovery of debts [Section 807]

A debt collector may not use any, misleading, deceptive or fraudulent representation or means in connection with debt collection. A debt collector may not represent in any way imply that means non-payment of the debt or the arrest or detention of any person or the seizure, attachment or sale of assets of any person unless such action is lawful and the debt collector or creditor intends to take such action.

5. Debt [Validation Section 809]

Within five days of the initial communication with a consumer> Collector to offer their customers a written notice containing the exact amount of the debt, the creditor's name and date of payment.

6. [Responsibility Section 813]

All the debt collector does not comply with the provisions of this Act is personally liable to an amount equal to the amount of actual harm to the consumer and may be required to pay the consumer to work spending the defendant reasonable attorney fees respect andcosts.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act provides guidelines for all types of debt collection. For all debt collectors, both in-house or collection agencies, must understand the act and stay within the limits permitted by law. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act contains adequate provisions for collection agencies and services to help them achieveexpenses of debtors legally.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dealing with debt collectors

Can anyone be anxious when the collectors are constantly calling and sending threatening letters of demand. Of course there is a protection in a number of forms and ways you can do with the debt problems you have.

There is a law that provides guidelines on what a debt collector can and can not do when you are trying to collect a debt. It's called the "Fair Debt CollectionPractice> "law. The law says, among other things, that debt collectors are not allowed to call before 8:00 or after 9 pm, they can not garnish wages in states in which it was declared illegal and must cease the phone still asks if you ask.

There are several things you can do.

Do not take the call. Use an answering machine to screen calls. For those who have Caller ID or call blocking, you will be able to get ridthe call completely.

If you decide to take the call, it is entirely reasonable for you to request that no further contact you. If you send the body to "cease and desist" letter, so they are legally prevented from contacting you. Any legal action can be expensive, so it is prudent to try other avenues first.

If the debt is actually your payment, if possible, you should think about the payment. After all, it is your responsibility and must be paid. If youvery difficult to pay, then maybe you can negotiate a way to make regular payments and low until the debt is paid in full.

Make a commitment and stick to it and stop bothering calls. These collectors are real people doing their jobs, although some of them are less than nice about it and that usually does not cause discomfort once you have an agreement with them.

Keep track of the calls that were made for you or for youin a newspaper, and arrangements were made. Keep track of when asked to stop calling - this is very important if you call your workplace. If it is legal in your state, you may consider recording the call, but keep in mind that often means you have to say the person is another record.

There are many collectors who have the courage (or recklessness), to say things that could be jeopardizedif they discover they are being recorded. The journal or diary is helpful when you have negotiated a change in the payment scheme.

Most debt collectors are able to agree a lower payment, but usually receive a commission because based on the rate of collection, push to pay the closest integer value as possible. However, I understand that if you are able to pay 50% of 500 €, it is preferable to receive 100% of nothingat all.

When an agreement, the collector must also pledge not to put any more negative comments on your credit report or credit rating. Ask them to report any payments you make as soon as possible to adjust the amount owed accordingly.

Be sure to get agreements in writing before sending money. A faith "by" pay is good, and prove they are sincere in their efforts tocancel the debt, but if you send too many at once, it will be less likely to adhere to their part of the contract.

There are three things you should always have when it comes to debt collection: patience, a remaining calm and realistic when it comes to financial matters. If you remember them, to reduce the stress of the situation.

Debt Validation: You agree to pay?

It happens all the time. Collectors try to collect debts that consumers are unaware or have not ever had in the first place. So what do you do when receiving requests for payment in full on a debt you never knew existed? It is necessary to request validation of the debt.

Debt validation is a test application that the collection agency is in contact with you own the debt or has been granted the right to charge > Of the debt on behalf of an original creditor. The validation of the debt also includes a complete history of payment, the original lender and a copy of the signed loan agreement or the application of the original credit card. This may be a debt we really need or, possibly, a debt that was sent to collections by mistake. However, debt collectors can be very inaccessible. It is important to remember that you also have rights. According to the Fair> Debt Collection Practices Act, paragraph 809, - Validation of Debts:

"(A) Within five days after the initial communication with a consumer regarding the collection of all debts, a debt collector, except for the following information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid debt, send the consumer a written notice containing:

(1) the amount of the debt;

(2) the name ofcreditor to whom the debt is owed;

(3) a statement that unless the consumer, within thirty days after receipt of the notification, object to the validity of the debt, or part thereof, the debt will be considered valid by the debt collector ;

(4) a statement that, if the consumer notifies the debt collector within thirty days, the debt, or part thereof, is disputed, the debt collectorobtain verification of the debt or a copy of a decision against the consumer and a copy of such verification or decision will be sent to consumers by the tax collector and

(5) a statement that, upon written request by a consumer within thirty days, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from current creditor.

(B) If the consumer notifies the debt collectorwriting within thirty days mentioned in subsection (a) that the debt, or part thereof, is disputed, or that the consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor, the debt collector shall cease collection of the debt or any part of their dispute, until you get verification of the debt collector debt or any copy of a sentence, or the name and address of the original creditor and a copy of such verification orview, or the name and address of the original creditor, is sent to the consumer for the debt collector.
(C) The lack of a consumer to challenge the validity of a debt under this Article shall not be interpreted by a court as an admission of liability by the consumer.

The information presented in this article only covers some of the most important aspects of debt validation. It is important to do your research and fully understand their rights and dutiesbefore any communication with a debt collector.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dealing with a debt collection agency

Phase I - Selection of a collection agency

Select a collection agency is perhaps the most important and difficult task. Some factors to consider when selecting a collection agency are:

- Experience and professionals

- Geographical presence

- Skills

- Fees and pricing model

- References

- Collection Agency Services has addressed this issue in depth through various free collectionsreports and articles on this site.

Step II - Hiring a collection agency and the establishment of procedures

Once you select the collection agency, the first two steps to take are:

Sign a contract with the agency;

Establish processes for how you will communicate with the agency.

A contract is a legal document and legal experts, of course, is prepared correctly. Just make sure you include important clauses such asnondisclosure. Is likely to pass confidential information to a collection agency, such as accounts, contacts with customers, products and services, pricing, etc., to facilitate the recovery of debt faster. Want to be sure that this information does not fall into the wrong hands.

The creation process is an important step in dealing with the collection agency. The success or failure of the association will depend largely on howwell-defined processes and how strictly they are followed. Important processes to be defined are:

Internal processes: You have to put in place a clear process on defining bad debt and postponing the case to the internal collection agency. This is not to refer the case to the collection agency before making a sincere effort to allow entry.

Information Sharing: How will you transfer the information to the collection agencyabout your dues and defaulting customers, and how will you receive information from your office collection? software collection of debt can make the process of transferring information easily and securely.

on recruitment: As mentioned earlier, it's important for you to ensure the security of the information given to debt collection agencies. The collection agency may use one or more members of their organizations for information oncustomers. Then you must establish a clear protocol on the amount of information to be shared with third parties.

Note: You must define a single point of contact and communication with the collection agency business process. In debt collection practices, the timing of the communication is very important and, therefore, will go along way critical to the successful collection of debt. Once again, the importance of debtcollection software can not be underestimated.

Phase III - Monitoring Performance

Once all processes are in place, start monitoring the performance monitor collection agency. This is an ongoing process when dealing with a collection they are. Important parameters agency:


- Number of cases in which the collection agency debt and the percentage of cases successfully solved by them.

- Percentage of debtrecovered by the collection of all cases.

- Percent recovery agency debt collection cases settled.

- Percentage of the amount paid in fees or commission of the collection agency bad debt cases referred to them in general.

- Average number of days required for the collection agency for full / partial credit collection.


* How well does the collection agencyprofessionals meet their clients?

* Has the collection agency followed all legal requirements in the Fair Debt Collection Practices?

* Has the collection agency gone beyond the provisions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?

* Has the collection agency followed all processes and guidelines set out for you?

Phase IV - ContractClose

Hopefully the collection agency selected will work best for you. But if not, then you need to transfer the entire process of debt recovery agency. You should remember the following important points at the end of the contract:

Confidentiality and disclosure provisions do not apply even after the end of the contract with the collection agency and its employees. The collection agency returns all documentsrelated to your business and destroys all information related to your business of data storage.

By following these simple guidelines to ensure that when it comes to a collection agency that works best for you and your suffering is minimized.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What to do when debt collectors safely

8:01 The phone rings on Sunday. The caller ID says, "ABC" Collection. His blood boils. Before the ruin of the serenity of his Sunday morning here are some tips on what to do when debt collectors without problems:

1. Know your legal rights described in the Fair Debt Collection Practices

A. You have the right not to be abused, threatened, or lied to debt collectors.

B. You have the right to limit, when(8:00 to 9:00), where (not in the workplace if needed) and how (by mail only if requested in writing) debt collectors can contact you.

C. You have the right to know if you're talking about a debt.

D. You have the right to receive, within five days of the collector first call, a written communication that reports on what is owed, to whom we owe, and how to resolve or contest it.

2. Be prepared.

A. do your own research beforetalk to the agency. Make sure the debt is yours and not someone with the same name as yours. Check if you have already paid or perhaps included in the bankruptcy. Collection Agencies are known for trying to collect on accounts that have already been resolved.

B. If the documentation shows the account is resolved or not theirs, to the dispute. Send a letter of complaint and documentation to companies and credit bureaus. Here is a sample complaint letterFederal Trade Commission

Your name
Your address
City, State, Zip
Complaint Department
Company name
City, State, Zip

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am writing to dispute the following information in my file. Items that also is surrounded by controversies the attached copy of the report received.This item (identify item (s) disputed by name of source, such as creditors or tax court, and identify the type of item, such ascredit account, the court, etc.) is (inaccurate or incomplete) because (describe what is inaccurate or incomplete and why). I am requesting that the item be deleted (or request another specific change) to correct the information.

Attached are copies of (use this sentence if applicable and describe any enclosed documentation, such as payment of taxes, court documents) supporting my position. Please investigate this (s) Topic (s) and (delete or correct) the disputed item (s) as soon aspossible.

Your name

C. If you determine that the account is yours and still owed, the number of crisis and make a settlement offer. According to a 2007 study, the Federal Trade Commission, the permanent collection average of 16 cents on the dollar! Submit a one time payment or monthly payment plan. Do whatever it takes to solve them and the rear.

So the next time a debt collector problems for you, this is what you do!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Collectors favorite tricks - The threat of taking the case and a.

Indeed, the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) defines the limits within which all debt collectors must remain with regard to defaulting debtors. But are they really so respectful of the law? This article lists the most common threats that debt collectors can use to talk with you by phone or about to come face to face. These are the things that threaten legal? Read this articleIn order to understand - and choose a tactic of resistance perfect for you.

The statistics of the number of complaints from people on the work of collection agencies is overwhelming - in 2004 was up 58 000 borrowers facing the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleging they were harassed by debt collectors - and the only number that continues to grow! He complains about the illegal methods of debt collection to maintainone of the first places in the classification of the FTC - currently 17% of all complaints regarding this issue.

The following list indicates the most common threats used abusive collection - and sets out how true that may be true.

1) The threat to remove the house of the debtor if he / she does not pay immediately. This threat has nothing to do with reality unless the loan is actually secured by your home (mortgage or home loan). Only in thisIf a debt collector may seize the property of their property.

2) The threat to arrest the accused if he / she does not start off immediately. The first thing you should know about if the creditors never try this technique of intimidation of a criminal you is that debt is a civil matter, while only a person who commits a crime can be arrested.

3) The threat to continue with regular practice of the collection, despite the cease-communication of the note to the creditor. Federal law states that a cease communication notice received by the creditor requires it to stop all attempts to contact the debtor. If the creditor does not follow these rules, remember this activity can be considered a violation of the law.

4) The threat of aggression. Yes, you may be surprised, but some debt collection agents use too. FTC receives an average of 300 complaints caused by the threat ofviolence against debtors. There is no law that allows tax collectors to resort to such means, so if it happens that the objective is you who is advisable to bring a lawsuit against their creditors and not vice versa.

It threatens the debtor is not the only method of debt collection agency may be illegal and abusive use. It is important that you realize that the activities of creditors may be illegal and use this knowledge toprotect themselves. Remember that your debt collection agent is to break the FDCPA if he / she is:

- Share information about your debt with third parties - apart from its neighbors, relatives and employers, who can be contacted to obtain all necessary information about you. However, you should know that contact with these people is allowed only if the creditor does not mention anything in your debt;

- He calls you to work despitecommunicating its not allowed to receive personal calls during working hours. However, there are very few collectors who really should follow this rule - most of them continue to call no matter what. Consider the use of legal protection means that if it happens to you;

- With a profane or vulgar language, raising their voices to calls for the collection;

- Calling all too often, making life reallystressful

- Litigation ignoring writing;

- Providing access to information of the debtor.

What can be done to combat the illegal aggression of debt? The first thing to do as soon as the debt collection calls to begin is to browse through the detailed description of the rights of consumers in FDCPA. Do this if collect calls are not even really hurt interceptions. You can obtain this information from official websiteFederal Trade Commission.

If any of the activities of debt collection agent appears to be illegal, a formal complaint with the Attorney General and the FTC. When these authorities receive enough complaints about the activities of a particular creditor or collection agency, fines may be imposed as punishment for their illegal practices. This surely will make them think twice before doing it again. Nor is thereforget that you have the legal power to make a claim against a stalker or agent except debt collection abuses.

Unlike other hand, remember that manufacturers apply to debt collection and above all third bodies lawyers in May with its creditors for the only resource. Your lender debt collection department representatives are subject to some of the rules contained FDCPA. However,Do not forget the protection of consumers of other laws that may help resist the activities of abusive debt collectors and creditors themselves. Therefore, should not hesitate to lodge a complaint with the Attorney General and the FTC, if you believe your creditors harassing you. In this case, an abuse of creditors can be considered guilty by state law or other act of the FTC.

Fight against illegal debt collection efforts may beWhat is really hard to do - but you must remember you can get your debt first and easier than you think, so ... Educate yourself!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fix my credit report - For the 3 mistakes when it comes to collections

This is the question "how to fix my credit report, which remain in the back of your mind? The growing importance of the FICO goes beyond the purchase of houses and luxury cars. Creditors are not the only people who are interested in your credit score three figures. Employers, owners and insurers are pulling the credit file in order to decide the fate of its application. The growing importance of the FICO credit score is a simple need good .

When it comescredit repair, there are plenty of misconceptions about what hurts your score and what does not. Let's look at the most popular myths associated with collection agencies.

1 Myth # 1 You must always pay the bills of collection.

Say you have a bill from a medical bill that is 2 years. Under the FCRA and FDCPA you have the right to challenge the legitimacy of any bill that comes to you collection.It is called debt validation. The collection agencies are required by law to cease all collection activities until they validate the debt. Since most of your debts, but I sold to various collectors along the way, you may be surprised to discover that most of them have no proper documentation. Never pay for a collection until the debt has been verified.

2 Myth # 2 You have to pay the bill for collection FULL.

Collection agencies! Poor pay literally pennies for every dollar that I owe. The amount payable depends on age of account (5.6 cents per dollar for the accounts of the past or a penny or less for the elderly and accounts out of state). In other words, collection agencies are still doing quite a good profit you, even if you settle for 20% or less of the total. always aim for the lowest possible resolution.

Myth # 3 3> Collection agencies are entitled to call anytime.

Wrong! For collection agencies to stop calling, just send a cease and desist letter and say they are only allowed to contact you by postcard mail.Under Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, collection agencies are also forbidden to call after 21: 00 and before 08:00 (FDCPA, c. 805), harassment or use of offensive language (FDCPA,Section 806), intended to garnish your wages, seize property or stopped (sec 807). The violation of these terms gives the right to sue.

The case of collection agencies is just one example that more is known about the credit system, the greater the possibility of repairing your credit score. There are many little tricks and secrets to take credit for the land of "good credit" as fast as thought. The answer to the question "how to fix my credit report"is simple: to acquire knowledge and start thinking outside the box credit.

Your creditors and collection agencies

Quote creditors and collection agencies is not a difficult thing to do if you have a basis for their argument. I know what most people think, and say "I owe them money, so how I can sue." The creditors are governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and collection agencies are regulated by debt collection fair practices act (FDCPA). These measures were applied to creditors andcollection agencies> responsible. What can sue to ask. Well here is a list of things you can sue for. Remember, no matter what you owe them money, you still have to follow the rules of collection.

1. The creditors, bad credit if the history of his report - Most times, we try to correct this problem if you dispute. They know they are not obliged to, but if you make a partial payment and do not report, then you areviolation.

2. Creditors, if you dispute a debt, and do not report to credit bureaus as contested - Some lenders do not do this and you can pay for it.

3 The creditors if they pull your credit file without a permissible purpose - making inquiries on your credit report without your permission is not allowed.

4. He asks his workplace if the collector knows or has reason to know that your employerprohibits the use of the receipt of such communication. - Can lead to loss of employment as a debt. You must tell your boss does not allow personal calls. You can call your job until otherwise stated.

5. The collection agency may not use any form of harassment or abuse - I had collection agencies say things like I was stupid, now that is not supposed to ask, curses, etc.

Usmany things you can sue for. You just have to be very organized and keep track of everything you do, every call you take, you speak, etc.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stop Collection Agencies

Many people are unaware of their rights against the bullying that are affected by collectors. Therefore, it is noted that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was passed in 1977 to protect the user that collectors that debt. Therefore, if you can not stop collection agencies are wrong.

He is considered a debtor, once I have money through personal loans, using credit card or pay a mortgage. If ever you can not pay its creditors, or if there are errors in your account, then a debt collector may contact you. But in both situations, you should keep in mind that the FDCPA mandates collectors treat you fairly and prevent certain methods of debt collection.

As a customer, you should always be aware of their rights to collect the debt. Do not forget thatcollection agencies> not have permission to:

Or harassing you in any way.

contact or before 08:00 or after 09:00, unless your permission. Nor can contact you at unreasonable places or incorrect y.

Or talk to you in an abusive manner. You can not use the absence of language.

Or call your family or friends and collect their payments on their outstanding debts

or call your workplace, especially when the superior does not allownon-work phone calls

How to stop collection agency to contact

Agent can stop a debt recovery agency in contact with the writing and telling him to stop. After receiving your letter, you can not call or contact again if not to say that there will be no further contact or if they will communicate that the debt collector or creditor intends to take certain actions. Just note however that the letter you sentdoes not mean refusing to pay their debts.

Living a debt collection abuse and harassment? So here are the steps you must take to stop treating sick collection agencies:

1. Do not entertain calls. If you notice that the collectors are calling, then hang up the phone or writing to stop calling him a "cease and desist" letter. If you send a letter, be sure toyour name, account number and address and tell the agency to stop contacting you in the debt

2. Keep records. If you take the call, be sure to write everything, including time, date, name of the caller and a summary of the conversation. If your state law allows, then the recorded conversation. Try telling them you are recording the call, and you hardly notice that they will behave well.

3. Make your negotiationspayment terms. Talk to the agency how you will pay your debt.

4. Be familiar with the laws of your state. There are some places in seizing and confiscation of property is illegal, providing additional energy to the process of treating certain. In order to understand the laws so we can know things that are allowed and not allowed, see the Office of the Attorney General in your state or the state office for consumer protection.

5. File complaints. If, afterunderstand their rights, it is believed that the agent breached a collection of them, contact the FTC office in your state government and formally complained. It is important to files or documents that can back up claims of harassment.

6. Its debt collection company. If you really found that the agency violated the rights, then they certainly can. If you win, you can ask to pay for actual damages and punitive damages. You canAlso recover court costs and attorney fees.

So if you're among people who are currently experiencing the discomfort of threatening letters and phone calls, then you can rest assured knowing that you always have the power to collection agencies to such harassment. Each defendant has that right. The only problem is that most of them do not.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to use a letter of debt to get a little peace of mind

One of the biggest complaints from people who are in debt is troublesome and persistent calls from debt collectors. At all hours of the night, and apparently without any regard for the people who are annoying, these pests keep calling. The worst thing is that it seems that there is nothing to do.

Fortunately for you, there's something you can do. It is not a simple "debt letter can be written immediately with no debtcollector saying "Sorry, I have not bothered to happen again." This letter is only a few minutes to write and give you peace of mind long after mailed.

So what's special about this letter? What magic words do not contain, which can scare the likes of these bill collectors (who are not like vampires in their efforts to suck your bank account dry)? And because it works so well?

First, this letter is a legal way ofinform the collector that they no longer wish to be contacted about your debt. According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, if a debtor (that's you) communicate with a collector (that is) his desire not be contacted about a debt, must comply with that request.

Even better, specific ways FDCPA states that a collection agent can be punished if they continuecontact you. debt collectors know they can be punished for continuing to harass her, so stop being parasites generally, and immediately after sending the letter.

Best of all, if they do keep in touch with you, these collectors may be required to pay for you! So, if they continue to harass you can mention in state or federal court for violating the FDCPA and may have to pay for actual damages (for example, if you lost your job because of hisharassment at work). Even if you do not have any damage, the Court may make them pay a fine of $ 1,000.

So what you have to write this letter? First, you must give your identifying information: name, birth date, account number of the debt in question, the name of the creditor for the debt in question, address, etc. Then, you must specify what is formally requesting that an end to all communications related to [# XXX] with [creditorXXX]. State that you are doing in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692c (c), which is the legal reference to the FDCPA.

That's it! This is all that is legally bound to get some "peace and tranquility.

Some things to keep in mind that this only works with collection agencies, not the original creditor. The original creditor is one who has the debt and debt collectionagency is the external company that is trying to collect the debt in exchange for a percentage of income if you pay the debt. Some creditors have in house collection agencies, believed to be the same as the original creditor. The original creditor can still call or contact you about your debt with them, because the FDCPA does not apply to them.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Debt Collection Statute of Limitations

Debt Collection limitation period is the period granted to creditors to file a claim against the debtor. Statute of Limitations is a law passed in the Legislature, as part of the code of civil law. And 'Statute which is called to the limitations and the statute of limitations. Prescription drugs save a borrower's risk life long debt. It covers the rights of the debtor in a case afterStatute of Limitations.

The requirement is different from state to state with any state law have different periods. The requirement applies to contracts under the Uniform Commercial Code. It covers all types of debt under agreements and oral agreements, promissory notes, open and revolving credit, written contracts, loans, mortgages or car payments. The state period is different for each type of agreement. State RegulationsStatute of limitations can be collected at the state attorney's office in the phone or Internet.

The limitation is calculated from the date of signing the contract. It starts on the date of the crime of first payment or transaction account opened last revolving credit debt. The debtor must present strong evidence to show the date for court proceedings. Credit reports are documents sufficient to show time. TheStatute of limitations may be renewed with partial payments. In some states, the promises are not enough to renew the mandate of the law.

The limitation is an effective tool for consumers to get rid of the debt. However, do not save the defendant from liability. It only provides a benefit to the customer the right to trial. If the customer can demonstrate that its debt is beyond the requirement, the court will excuse you from the refund. The debtreflected in the credit report, even after the prescription. collectors theory can be applied to customers to pay, even absent legal support. However, debtors may limit these disorders due to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Debt and the law - Know your rights

To gain control in any situation, their understanding of the fundamentals of the law will help a lot. It's no different in the treatment of calls from debt collectors uncomfortable.

Collection agencies are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission on the Fair Collection Practices Act consumer complaints filed Debt Federal Trade Commission against collection companies are among the highest volumes of abuse at thenation. The epic proportions of the volume of complaints suggests that there is widespread abuse in place for collections agencies.

Here are some basics you need to know:

A. You have the right to know who you're talking

A favorite trick: the collector is to imply or suggest that they are a lawyer or a law enforcement officer who travels to her home with a sheriff to arrest if you do not make an immediate payment. This is aflagrant violation of the law, and should refer to the FTC. A debt collector should be identified as an agent for recovery of debt.

B. You have the right to a civil conversation

Many believe that some of these laws civilized conversation subjective and everyone surely has a different tolerance for abusive conversations. In general, collection agents are not allowed to threaten his safety, we ask names or use profanity towards you.They are not allowed to call several times or by phone during the middle of the night. However, literally tens of thousands of complaints against debt collectors with the FTC for violations of these fundamental rights for consumers. If they are abused, threatened or fear for their safety should inform the collection agency to the FTC, and also send a written notice to stop. Keep a copy of all letters, voice messages and contacts.

C. You have the right to becall time of day when we can talk

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires that you contact your local time from 08:00 to 21:00.

D. You have the right to privacy

Surprisingly, a collector of the third party is entitled to call his family or neighbors to determine their place of residence. However we know that nothing is allowed to use these people to pressure or intimidate you or tell themin a gossip fashion as you owe money.

E. You have the right to accurate information about the alleged debts

Mistakes are made, sometimes you can be contacted for debts that do not have. Be sure to check each particular debt. Collection agencies can not claim to have more than you. Make sure it should have been. Often, they will tell you arrested or garnish your wages to pay, ieobviously false, under any circumstances unless you have already sent a subpoena, court statements and have received a sentence against him.

F. You have the right to challenge the amount owed if it is incorrect

The so-called debt collector must report what is due, must be able to verify from where they purchased the right to collect the debt. It takes its name, company name and address and write them a letter stating that you refuseto pay the debt, then they are obliged to stop groping to collect this from you. Attention! If the amount of debt is high enough, its refusal to pay on time can trigger a lawsuit against you groped to make him pay. If a debt goes unpaid for a period of time and no action is taken against him, until the statute of limitations in your state has passed, be aware that your debt can be sold again to another collection agency.Approved the statute of limitations has passed in his state in any collection of contacts and a debt collection agency on that date, you can use the line from The Wizard of Oz, when Glenda the Good Witch tells the Wicked Witch of the East "He's gone, you have no power here."

If a debt collector breaks these rules and therefore unfair demand to speak to a supervisor. After talking with a person of authority, clearly tell them that you wanttake the case to the Federal Trade Commission, the state attorney and the Better Business Bureau. Sometimes it is slow and cumbersome, but be sure to resave all voice mail and letters, and take detailed notes about who called when and how often and what was said. The people win cases against collection agencies each month if they have an accurate record of abusive tactics.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sample Letter of validation to the collection agency debt

If you are not sure that a debt collector contact you first thing to do is send a letter to the collection agency debt validation is constantly calling. The purpose of this letter is to ensure that the collection company is entitled to collect your money first.

Suppose you paid the debt collector. Later in the way, the original creditor calls you and says that still I have the money they have paidthe creditor, as they were not related to collection agency anyway.

It is here that the debt validation kicks in. According to the Law Fair Debt Collection Practices you are entitled to an agency to validate a debt. The purpose of this law is to protect consumers who are constantly facing agencies collection. You have 30 days after first talking to a debt collector to send a validationletter. If your rights are protected.

Below is an example of a validation letter should be sent to collections agency.

Procter & Smyth Collection Agency
1700 East 33rd Street Baltimore, MD 21 251

To whom it may concern,

My name and surname. I write because I recently contacted the company about a debt that the company claims I owe. This is not a refusal to pay, but I do not remember do business with this company and I wonder if you can legally raise money for my share of that debt.

The fair debt collection Practices Act, 15 USC Section 1692g. 809 states that allowed me to challenge this course. I chose to exercise that right. They are, therefore, choose to exercise that right as I can legally.
This note is a request that I send these documents to verify> Debt: The name and address of the original creditor, is calculated as the sum which I must say that I, and the license that you are legally able to work in my state.

I am aware of my rights under the debt collection fair practices act, which says it is unable to collect the debt groping me until you validate this debt. They are also aware that their company is not allowed to put negative or derogatory / misleadinginformation on my credit report. If you find that you have violated this law will call my lawyer and take legal action.

If you do not get an answer on this issue in 30 days and no longer have to grope for the right to collect a debt. You are not allowed to communicate with my wife, lawyer, or anyone who might be connected with this is the law, please respect my legal rights.

From here on out is just to contact me in writing thisletter. The purpose of this note was left to arrange their files of an account that I am legally challenging.



Creditors can sue for breaking the law?

For years, people in debt have had to suffer with harassing creditor calls at all hours of day and night. However, people like 56 years old, accountant Steven Katz are no longer willing to take over collection tactics common and accepted.

Steven Katz took his first stand against a collector after his credit score has been unfairly damaged. He filed a complaint against the collector and took home a check for $ 1,000 damages. Katz is one of a growinggroup of people who are willing to stop putting up with these unscrupulous practices. "

Believe it or not, there are a number of laws that prevent creditors from harassing his family, calling at times irrational, inappropriate language, calling at work. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act makes this illegal action and the people who are under fire from its creditors use these laws to have astand.

Last year, more than 8,000 cases were filed against collectors who had violated the FDCPA. The Supreme Court has taken a further step to protect people from the debt, which is illegal for collectors to ask not know or understand the law.

The rebel movement is not, however, an easy way to escape their debt. As long as your creditor can prove that your company has a claim to your debt, you still have to take responsibility for the debt.Neither ignore nor do creditors demanded that the balance of the debt reduced to $ 0. In fact, could force creditors to take more severe measures such as garnishing wages, levying your bank accounts and go after your property.

Do not forget, however, that creditors have a legitimate right when asked to pay the debt. On the other hand, you are entitled to deal with debt as possible. Missouri and Illinois Chapter 7 can eliminate much of your debt and stopcreditors from harassing you, garnish your wages and take other action against him. Bankruptcy instantly creates a shield, protecting you and your family from the effects of its debt and proceeds with his life.

You can sue the debt before creditors who violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act the St. Louis bankruptcy attorney can help make a new life for you and yourfamily when you are ready to help. Start looking for free advice on bankruptcy lawyers of good reputation in your area to see when it's time to get help.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to stop harassment by debt collectors

There are collectors who take their job seriously, but completely ignore the rules designed to protect consumers. They do or say anything to get their clients (debtors) to repay its debts. Collectors are typically made by banks to grope to collect a debt on their behalf, although at times, debt collectors are another department 'within the same company. In 1977, the Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act was passed to protect consumers from abuse third collection of debt. Here is the protection this law provides for you - and what to do if a debt is a violation of any of these provisions:

What debt collectors can not do:

* Is called to work, if your employer explicitly not approve the call at work.

* Please call before 8 am orafter 21:00.

* Lying to that

* Indicates that you have committed a crime.

* Hiding his identity.

* Ignoring a written request asking you to stop by telephone.

* Harass or abuse you.

* To send a notice of a court that is not real.

* Call someone else besides your spouse, to discuss your debt.

* Use bad language when talking on the phone

* Threaten you or your personal property with violence.

* Publish a notice (with the exception of credit reporting agencies) with respect to your debt.

* Please contact us if you have an attorney to represent you regarding your debt.

* Threatening to garnish your wages if they have no intention of doing so.

* Add additional fees and charges for the amount due.

Are your Fair Debt Collection Practices Act violation of rights?

The Fair Debt> Collection Practices Act protects consumers who are in debt - but only if they know how to use it. If your rights under the FDCPA is violated, is one year to file a lawsuit against the debt collector. If you have won the case, will be reimbursed for legal fees, actual damages and $ 1,000 for additional funds.

If you think your rights have been violated by aggressive debt collectors, you can do somethingLaw imposed by the Fair Debt Collection Practices. This article explains some of the possible

Monday, September 13, 2010

Y 'legal for a collector to call my phone?

Collectors often use self-composition or pre-recorded messages when the first people to contact. However, if these calls are made to your phone, the collector has probably violated the Consumer Protection Act of Telephone Services (TCPA).

Collectors personally rarely dial numbers due to low contact rate. It is much more effective to have a computer dial-up number and then connect the call to the handset receiver, if someone picks up the phone.A piece of this irritant is that sometimes when you answer the call and a collector is not available to talk with you, the system may hang up on you or play a prerecorded message. prerecorded message calls are very common. A computer-generated voice is usually easy to distinguish from a human voice. A computer voice to say something like: "This message is for ___" with a team from another source or the human voice, enter your name.

You have to do different thingsbe able to prove that the calls were made. First, save voice messages left at the collection agency, even pre-recorded, computer-generated messages. Alternatively, take the phone to see if a real person called, and if so, ask if your number has been composed with a self-songwriter. Another good idea is to take pictures of your caller ID display when calls are coming in. It is important to be able to demonstrate that it has received a number of callsarguing, as collection agencies are known to conveniently forget the 95% of the time they call. Any documentation you can make a lot of help to their cause, and that makes it harder for the collection agency to deny their claims.

The TCPA provides protection for consumers and serious injury attorney can be very serious. And 'possible to obtain actual damages, but many people are satisfied statutory damages instead. The damage is $ 500 forcall if the call is not intentional and $ 1,500 if it was an intentional violation of the TCPA. If you continue telling the collector to stop calling and continue, then this becomes more strong evidence that the call has been loved and you can receive $ 1,500 per call.

So when the collection agency is not exactly breaking the law by calling your phone? The answer is somewhat controversial, but if you gave the original creditor (such as a credit card or car loan)Your mobile number in an application, then technically allowed to do so because it provided the information. You can always revoke the authorization in writing (by registered letter with return receipt requested) or by telephone to the agency. Thereafter, all cars of the agency calls and pre-recorded messages, without doubt, illegal.

The collectors were used for the Fair Debt Collection Practices (FDCPA), where $ 1000 is the mostthat the consumer can receive compensation law, which is really just slap on the wrist in violation agencies. However, they are always shocked to be sued under the TCPA of 100 calls and have to pay up to $ 1,500 per call. If you are self inexorably getting calls from a collection agency on the phone, is a good idea to look at this the right to contact a lawyer and consumer protection to stop debt collectors to pick up the phone illegally .

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to deal with pesky debt collectors

If you have had financial problems due to a fire or illness, you may have had some encounters with debt collectors. These people are hired by companies that have outstanding debts to consumers and wants to collect the money owed. Are you the owner of a mortgage, car loan, student loans or credit card, then you are a debtor. If you fall behind on these debts, companies that have the legal right to use debt collectors to help them recover moneythey have provided.

Receiving calls or visits from debt is never fun. Fortunately, the Federal Trade Commission and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act have provided plenty of tips to help protect consumers against debt collectors who cross the line. The law provides that debt collectors may contact you by phone, fax, mail or in person. However, there is no need for such effortsinconvenient hours such as before or after 08:00 09:00 collectors are supposed to inform the debts you have and send you a written notice so that we can begin to restore balance. The notice must also tell the steps to take if you believe that we should not really the money. If you have a hard time tracking down, debt collectors may contact third parties such as friends, family or neighbors to find information about your address or telephone number.However, it should disclose their debts to the third party.

collectors are not allowed to harass. They are required to contact about your debt and begin to encourage their return. In case of contact, and you threaten violence, use of profane language or call non-stop to bother you, then you could bring. On the other hand, are not allowed to falsely imply that you will be sued if no measures are taken of your debts, or who iswill be arrested if not paid. If there are legal, can not claim to be, to intimate.

If you want to stop collection agencies contact you, you can send a letter. After receiving the notice, you can only contact you to let you know that there is no contact again, or to let them know of the actions, moreover, that the creditor can take against you. If you owe money legitimately, by simply asking collectorsmake contact with you will not make the debt go away, but could give a little peace time to find out how good your debts.

If you believe that debt collectors have contacted in a manner that violates the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you can sue. You can also report to the attorney general's office in your state and the Federal Trade Commission.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

FDCPA - illegal tactics to collect debts

We have heard of illegal tactics to collect debt every day at our law firm. The collector threatens to garnish the wages or press fraud charges. The threats of jail or job loss are also common.

Perhaps the collector contacts friends, relatives or neighbors to discuss the debt with them or pay to shame. We have also seen the letters sent to employers asking them to garnish your wages.

All these tactics are illegal collectionaccordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The FDCPA is a federal law that governs your rights as a debtor and the activities that a debt collector can participate in when attempting to collect a debt.

Let's look at some of the threats mentioned above and discuss why they are illegal. The first threat, attachment of wages, is a common threat. In the state in which they practice law in Pennsylvania, wagesattachment can not occur in one case, the credit card, ever. To make a threat of wage garnishment in Pennsylvania is illegal under the FDCPA. The reason is that this law makes it illegal for a collector to threaten the assets that can not play. Since attachment of wages may not be in the PA of credit card debt, the threat of attachment of wages is illegal.

Another common tactic illegal debt collection is a threat to prison. "Pay the debt orintention to file a complaint and go to jail. "There is no law that the U.S. will go to jail for not paying credit card debt. Why can not go to jail in which they occur not pay a credit card debt, the threat of imprisonment is illegal.

In many cases, the debt collector will contact your friends, family or neighbors to get the two to pay the debt or to pay the debt to shame. Debtcollector may not contact friends, relatives or neighbors with regard to debt, except in very limited. The only circumstance in which the collector can contact friends, relatives or neighbors when you are able to locate it after making a good faith effort. In this case, the debt collector may contact others to know their location and contacts. In any case, the collector discuss your debt with anyonedifferent from you.

If all these tactics are illegal, as debt collectors participate in them? Simple, its very effective to do so. If you call 100 people and the use of these illegal tactics, maybe 60 of them pay something for the collector. Of the remaining 40, perhaps only one or two will be bright enough to contact a consumer lawyer to sue the collector after the violation of the FDCPA. (The above figures are entirely made an example for you.) However, inthis hypothesis, we can see that the debt collector, and are willing to use illegal tactics and violate the FDCPA because the return on investment is available to them. They do a lot of money from these illegal tactics.

How to avoid unfair Collection

Due to the global financial crisis, the number of collection agencies in the market is growing. They are designed to provide debt collection services for banks, financial institutions, credit card companies and loan providers. For people who are drowning in debt, is very stressful to receive annoying calls from debt collection agents constantly. Therefore, it is important to know some useful informationso they are able to avoid abusive collection practices.

First, if possible, do your best to avoid debt collectors with you. Since you know you have many debts, you must pay the minimum amount immediately. Until the minimum payment is made, these collectors do not come.

On the other hand, if you can not do anything about your financial situation, you need toAre you prepared to deal with the representatives of collection agencies. To avoid unequal treatment, the first time that the agent receives a call from the collection, not panic. You should know the details of an agent in order to ensure that it is a legitimate body. You can ignore all calls from debt collection agencies are not approved.

In some situations, collection agents tend to be very professional and ethical. Forexample, begin to threaten the debtor to provide personal financial information to them. According to the Law Fair Debt Collection Practices, these agencies are not allowed to do so. Borrowers have the right to reject your application. If there is no hard action taken by the agents, debtors are encouraged to complain to the police.

Note that creditors may actually be sued for harassment and deceptive conduct. Alwayssame to be careful to avoid becoming a victim of unfair collection practices.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stop Foreclosure - How to stop debt collector quick and easy!

Stop debt has never been easier than ever thought possible. Although most of the debt specialists trying to stay within the limits set by the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices, FDCPA, many others cross the line on a recurring basis. A description of your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices can be provided directly by the FTC, butunfortunately there are a number of other laws of the collection of consumer guard abusive or fraudulent public methods by creditors and even he has also been many laws FDCPA But the parallels go further and include original creditors in the definition of collector debts. 'S why many companies are offering a program based on attorney to make sure they have protection to protect their rights.

I have lived the horrors of the threats and am aware of howcollectors also use other methods that are against the law. But collectors routinely call neighbors, relatives, employers and obtain information on debtors. While waste management not to discuss the real issue of credit card debt, which can still have their fingers on the right side of the line. But as soon as you mention, or even suggest they are calling for a debt, have crossed the line. Now, as many borrowers are practicing the test on your phonecalls home to reduce the time and energy necessary to get a hold of you collectors often at work when they can get a number of offices.

So it's probably a good idea to educate yourself about your rights as a consumer, vigorously dispute debts that you think should not do, and see if you can take steps yourself, in the form of complaints to Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission. With any legal matter, at any time requestlawyer. Standing up for their rights, can end the hassle of unwanted threats and to stop such harassment.

So I suggest the adjustment of unsecured debt for less than half the amount owed. Make sure you are able to talk to your debt negotiator when you want and then negotiate mutually acceptable settlements! We hope that you can approve the final settlement, and then tells you what is the right way based on the unique situation. Notforget to ask the agent if their services are backed by a guarantee. When implemented correctly, a written guarantee can improve service quality, customer satisfaction.

Care with a number of corporate debt credit card settlement who just want to make as much money as possible from you without any real consideration for your interest! If you have more than $ 4,000 in bonds (unsecured debt), and money is always tight, consider a debt resolutionrelief.

Tips and Tricks for Legal Debt Collections

If a customer owes money to its local business, it is hard not to feel angry as you want to do everything possible to recover the money. But the days of giving the maximum to collect a debt more. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, designed to protect consumers from harassment or intimidation, sets clear limits on what can be done to collect a debt from a consumer. The federal debt, including collections> Practices that were once standard, and you could not consider harassment at all.

Moreover, as the local company, we have a more powerful reason to be particularly attentive to the problems of debt collection lawyers. You have something much more valuable at stake than a lawsuit: your business's reputation in the community.

Legal Debt Collection Best Practices

There are plenty of articles on the web that was unclear why English Fair Debt Collection Practices Act says you can and can not do. To give you an idea of the requirements of the law, here are some of the biggest:

* Do not talk about a third of the debt (except collection offices, collection agencies, or the attorney for the debtor).

* No phone call 21:00 to 8:00, or by calling several times in a manner that is annoying.

* No postcards or envelopes containing the> Debt.

* There is no threat to take action that may or not really will not do, such as confiscation of assets in case of an unsecured debt.

* Do not misrepresent yourself (for example, "Hi, This is the editorial Drawing Center. I can talk to John?").

* Do not pay the debt with payments the customer has given instructions apply to other debts

Tips and Tricks for Legal Debt Collections

With all these limits to what can be done tocollect a debt, what can be done legally?

* Speak with the debtor personally on the phone, chances are he or she wants to pay, but it's head. Start by asking what circumstances has kept him or her to pay. Bid to establish a repayment plan.

* You must submit two letters and make phone calls. Many people respond to only one or the other.

Document every part of the collection process. Take notes for each call and keep a copy ofeach letter. If the debt is increasingly going to court, is satisfied that it acted lawfully.

* Watch in relation to the debt of the credit bureaus. If you can, and are willing to do this, we can say that the debtor defaults affect your credit score.

* Best tip of all: give the job to an agency dedicated to the collection. Small business debt collection services start at a minimum of $ 20 debt. The struggle to get paid is a fight out of businessare required to participate in.

Unfortunately, debt collections are a part of business. Just make sure your business local debt collection law is followed to the letter, or legal actions to be part of your business, too.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shame, Judgement and Debt Collection

If you're drowning in debt, you're not sure of yourself. The Great Depression caused a tsunami of financial problems for the American consumer. And, while large firms have benefited from government bailouts, tax loopholes and other forms of generosity, common people were not so fortunate. But surrounding the facts on consumer debt is something many people are reluctant to discuss: the feelings that have to be above their heads in debt.Unfortunately, collectors often fall prey to these feelings to try to compression of consumers.

In his person the ordinary point of view, being in debt can lead to feelings of frustration, shame and despair. no plans to return to their payments. Sometimes, life just happens. People get sick and make medical expenses, people lose jobs and have to survive on unemployment, or the car breaks down and people have unexpected repaircosts. Even if you can not have been saved and what should have been more or buy more than they should, the financial sector is an accomplice. In the period until the economic collapse of 2008, financial institutions have large amounts of loans granted to people who could afford it really, not as loans, credit cards or mortgages. When it came time to pay, the economy had crashed and there was simply no money, no job and no light at the end oftunnel.

Understandably, this set of circumstances can lead to frustration. But being in debt is not shameful, and those with money should not be allowed to become a victim of the belly of the bleak financial sector, namely the field of debt collection. The position of many in the industry recovery of debt is that consumers who are behind Deadbeats are in their accounts, and will go to any length to collect necessarydollar.

Because money is so tight, a growing number of debt collection agencies are skirting the law - or breaking the law - and using nasty tactics of debt. Count on the fact that most people feel shame or shame about your debt and leverage to threaten people or the shame of payments that can not afford.

If you have been harassed by a debt collector, it is important that you know yourrights under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). You may owe money but also have the right to maintain their dignity and respect. Under the FDCPA, collection agencies are not allowed to threaten, make a phone call late at night or early morning, to misrepresent what they are, or otherwise trick to pay a bill.

There are a million and one horror stories of credit recoveryagencies using illegal practices to extort money from unsuspecting consumers. These collectors express an opinion on those who harass, and the feeling that the end justifies the means. The conclusion is that up to you to keep collectors accountable for their actions. The FDCPA includes provisions for consumers to sue debt collectors in federal court, and receive up to $ 1,000, plus legal costs when a debt collection companiescrosses the line.

Remember that it is shameful to return to pay the bills, but that collection agencies will try to exploit their discomfort to their advantage. Refusing to let such a payment plan that is not in their interest, and not let them get away with breaking the law.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Collections and collectors credit repair

Phone sense

credit repair offers several powerful techniques for dealing with collectors. Collectors are known for the high-pressure telephone calls. Here is a great way to handle these disturbing diatribes. You know better than to talk to strangers. So who told you that you should take the court with a collector on the phone? The next time you call a collector to tell them not to discuss their financial matters over the phone. Please ask them to send something in writing.They attack you, but stay strong, a bit "and get off the phone. Once the notice of collection in writing that you can go to repair credit technology later.

Validation of debt

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires collectors to provide documentation of the validity of a debt in writing, if requested within thirty days of receiving notice of withdrawal. This is awonderful tool for credit repair, which should be used with any collection. A surprising number of active collections are not legitimate. This means they may have been previously paid, sold to other collectors, or be otherwise invalid. If a debt collector can not document a person must stop all collection efforts to collect and report to credit bureaus.

Calls to stop the Darn

In addition to the technical management of common sensephone collection debt over calls to that other credit repair techniques on hand for the control of aggressive collectors. If you receive a call during working hours is sufficient to inform the collector that your employer allows such calls. For the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, once informed, the collector must refrain from calling at this hour.

Defense attorney

This tactic following credit repair is not for everyone, but if you have the financial resources to hire a lawyer to handle their collection activities you can enjoy a double advantage. Initially you get to enjoy the moment when I tell the collector that you are a lawyer, once informed of their obligation to stop in their tracks and ask contact details of lawyers. From that point on, only you should contact your attorney. Secondly you may find that many collectors left on the ground. If they know > Collection is weak or non-documented that may disappear from your life, then and there.

Stop the use of communication with care

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act allows you to interrupt communications by a collector by sending a cease communication of a formal request in writing. This sounds like a credit repair pretty good trick, but be careful. Depending on the collection, the dollar amount, and age > Collection, you can rearrange and Sue. This can be very uncomfortable and very uncomfortable. Before considering the use of this technique credit repair, think carefully!

Duda Your Eyes

There is another field that brings together collectors, and general discomfort, your credit report. If you have any other activity listed at all, would do well to look at credit reports regularly. By law, there must be a> Expansion of collection in your credit report for each course. Because collectors buy and sell debt regularly you can end up with different accounts of recovering the debt. This must be corrected with credit repair. It may be in your credit report, but that does not mean you should believe! Collections questionable should be challenged!

Hire a credit repair company

Credit repair is a bit of effort. If you're too busy tolearn the ropes or properly manage the process should consider hiring a professional. Credit repair services are very affordable and give you all the benefits of their experience and knowledge. It will analyze your credit report and identify everything that is not compatible. Once done, write dispute letters credit reporting agencies, help to eliminate any collection of invalids, and also identify any opportunity for negotiation of legitimate. ItsCredit is important! It s time to take control. You can do it!

Copyright © 2009 Ian Webber. All content. All rights reserved.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Outsourcing is the collection agency's debt a better choice for small businesses?

Small and home can not escape the risk of dealing with bad loans. If an uncollected debt is the result of a real lack of funds for the purposes of the client or his being a habitual offender, and debts must be collected prior to the businesses go to the deficit. Employers should have a concrete action plan to address these contingencies.

collection agencies are a viable option for home ownership and small businesses that are notstaff resources needed to collect debts and competently. While an occasional unpaid debt can be adjusted in business costs, such as many debts take a toll on cash flow. If the value of unpaid bills is large enough to justify the cost of renting an office collection, is the best bet to get money from delinquent customers.

Tips for selecting a collection agency

Collection Agency will work for you and must comply withcriteria and standards of customer service. Customers will receive the collection agency as an extension of your business and form opinions that affect your relationship with them. It is therefore necessary to consider some important points in selecting an agency to collect, such as:

* Familiarity with the size and type of business: Find a collection agency who is familiar with home ownership and small businesses and how they work.

* Familiarity with client type: collection agency that has handled clients are typically in your company has a better chance of success. Individual and corporate debtors are totally different and require specialized handling.

* Pass exams: At times, customers move without leaving a forwarding address or your phone is disconnected. Collections Agencies use the analysis of jump - access data base - to locate the debtor and to remind them to pay debt.

* TypeLibrary> tactics: Make sure the collection agency strategies. If you gave a good result by sending letters to offenders, to review the letter from you to make sure they do not violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act This also protects their relationships with clients and respectfully but firmly worded letter can convince customers pay the debt and also to continue doing business with you.

* Errors and omissions insurance:collection agencies and maintenance companies are protected against errors and omissions insurance if disgruntled debtors sue them for the strategies used to collect the debt.

* Licensing issues: the collection agency must be authorized to collect debts in areas inhabited by the borrowers. Otherwise, the agency and your company can charge for license and illegal logging.

* The tax collection agencies: collection agenciesfixed exchange rates or potential. The contingency fee is a percentage of total debt proceeds. You should check your level of success and the rate of emergency before deciding the price of the option. Calculate the collection rate in both scenarios - fixed with the emergency, and choose what works best for you.

Although bad debts are a pain to businesses, can cause more damage to small and home ownership based on regular cash flow to maintain operations. RentAn outside agency is a rational choice, because even after paying for their services, you end up with more than you would if you yourself chasing bad debts.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

About Collection Agency

In our increasingly stressful world, the economic environment has become even more competitive and demanding. The sad reality that goes along with this reality is that customers sometimes do not pay their debts. That's why there are dozens and dozens of collection agencies out there offering their services. In the event that a claim was not paid and want to take further steps to obtain the money owed to you, a collection agency is more than happy to take your caserecover lost revenue.

Not all collection agencies, however estimable, and is in his interest in acting. It's worth doing your homework and find one who is honest and has a good reputation in the community. Note that any act the port collecting agency can have a direct impact on you and your business in the future.

Always make sure you hire a collection agency the reputation of one when you try to make up for delays and installationpayments. Check the history of each agency will work in your account and ensure that their practices are consistent with the values of their own business. The reputation, the level of success and references to a collection agency can go a long way toward determining your level of professionalism and potential success of your case. You deserve the best, so be sure to take the time to do so.

The methods of collection agency and employsThe fees charged vary from case to case and company to company. E 'is essential to work with the collection agency to reach an agreement that will be your best interest and providing the appropriate value for your money.

Credit Check Collection Agency

What is a collection agency credit check?

A collection agency credit check offers a service that can help determine the creditworthiness of potential consumers. These collection agencies to verify whether a potential customer is eligible for a loan or credit, depending on whether he or she has paid their debt or past loans satisfactorily. At this point your credit score is pulled and then used by banks and other lending companies to qualifyand possibly assess how risky it is the borrower can draw on past experience, based on debt and credit. In other words, a credit report is a reflection of your credit history. Your credit score is drawn from each of the three reporting companies to consumers in the United States: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, and these are controlled by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Many credit agencies check cashing services to manyfinancial institutions, such as automobiles, banks, credit card companies and retailers to name a few, and in so doing, these companies offer easy process for debts to a minimum to establish new credit lines and times approval faster and easier.

Check cashing agencies also offer other services that help recover debts to creditors who are criminals. These agencies are commonly known as collection agencies for nature of the collection process, but still within the recovery business credit check regulations. These types of debts ranging from auto loans to credit cards to mortgage payments. By outsourcing the credit collection process allows the creditor to pass the debt and the liability of an entity that is better able to recover these bad loans by the consumer. The account of bad debts is assessed and the lender pays a frontagency> collection and liability for the debts is then passed to the collection in the future. At this point, the collection agency is responsible for the repayment of amounts owed by one company to another person or another person or company. Agencies billing or collection agencies credit check are governed by the Collection Agencies Act so that it uses a type called agency or another as a personal preference, these agencies arefully covered by this law.

Many lenders use collection agencies and credit monitoring for several reasons:

They are too small to have an organization of its collection services
They lack the experience complete collection to collect payments
They want faster results
They just want to protect your images

These collection agencies credit control are organizations that help creditors to get a faster refund andeasiest ways for them to buy the debts have been paid in advance in the process of full recovery. The common tactic used by a collection agency to recover the payments are initially set to send letters of applications, the credit reporting bureaus such as Equifax communicate, Experian or TransUnion, and finally litigation if none of the other tactics of work during the collection process. Some collection agencies have resorted toviolence, but such practices are illegal and are regulated by the Law of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act provides that a list of what a collection company can and can not do.

For more information about this topic and other credit repair topics visit Credit Check Collection Agency

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Protect yourself from unscrupulous collection agencies

Illegal and unfair tactics by collection agencies are often used in paid search. Unfortunately, they are not informed of the easy prey. To avoid collection agencies responsible for gross abuse, you must first know its protection of federal rights. The collection agencies that do not follow the rules can lead to court fees, fines and even license suspension. For his part, you could have your entire debt forgiven to fighttactic against recognized.

People face a collection procedure of the rights protected by the federal government under the Act Fair Debt Collection Practices (FDCPA). Some special provisions include:

Torture and abuse

The law prohibits all forms of harassment, violence or abuse against you, your property, or family members. Such restrictions include repeated calls when asked to notto profane or vulgar, or threatening actions that may or may not plan to take. Add your name to a list of "deadbeat" or list your property for sale is prohibited.

Communication Channels

When you contact the collection agencies must do so within the hours of 8:00 to 21:00, unless they were told a difficult time for you. They are not allowed to contact you at work at all unless the work permit. You can alsorequest that you contact at all and must meet, unless you notify your case is resolved, or be sued.

Third Party Contacts

collection agencies are not authorized to speak with outside parties relating to any aspect of your case. The exception is when you are trying to find where you are. Then you can ask where you are and give your name. No mention of his debts or his employer can be delivered. The third can not be contacted again unless they give permission or agency has reason to believe that information has been given incomplete or false.

collection agencies must direct all contact through your lawyer, if one tries to have remained until the fiscal policy responses. You can only go about your lawyer if you have given permission otherwise. They have the right to communicate with your spouse and parents if a minor, unless you tell them not to write.> Collection agencies have no right to harass their adult children or their parents make you pay, even if this happens often.

False or misleading representation

collection agencies have been known to impersonate police officers or the use of forged documents to intimidate people to pay. Sometimes a draft letter wishing them seem to come from a lawyer. These tactics are not permitted by law. Moreover, the factsif, for example, what is owed and the status can not be faked. Unless the collection agency an actual plan to follow to the end, but also can not threaten legal action.

Outrageous Tactics

Consumers are protected by distorted, unfair, unreasonable and tactics used by collection. Some are commonly used to cause additional costs due to its efforts to collect, adding interest and rights asI owe you, and then deposit the check without permission. It can not be threatened with prosecution for nonpayment.

Your Options

You should direct complaints to the Federal Trade Commission, your state Attorney General's Office, and the original creditor, if you are the victim of such practices. The first contact the original creditor, which can be held responsible for such violations. Forgiveness can be consideredentire debt if the shares have been particularly severe.

Another potential application is to sue the collection agency for such violations. You must document their claims and have at least one witness. In the past, some players have been injured and / or money for pain and suffering. In particular, serious cases of repeated abuse result in punitive damages, as well.

You should know your rights dealing with unscrupulous collection agencies. Maintaintheir leaders and report any violations to the competent authorities immediately to avoid being their next victim.