Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Third meeting of prosecutors from both parties of the Commission
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) - friends and foes
Collection of debt is a highly regulated industry in the United States. No matter how free or fantasy you want to adopt. If you are in recovery or the purchase of business debt will be classified as a "debt collector" and subject to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) If the private collection. The FDCPA is the bible of business to be taken,know, and always apply to each transaction you process.
Contrary to what you may have heard or read many articles in the field, the FDCPA is not necessarily a tool that is used against you, but you can use that. The FDCPA can be your best friend and one of the best protectors of the industry can offer. You should be aware of both sides of the coin.
The FDCPA is both a guide and a code of conduct for debt collectors. On the contrary, the FDCPAprovides important protections for debtors. The FDCPA is a broad piece of legislation. It will be convenient for you to get your copy as soon as possible. Some important issues will be crucial to the daily operations of their business recovery process is the appropriate time for telephone contact, requests to cease communication, communication acceptable in the workplace, forgery, fraud, disclosure improper, requiring excessive amounts, and communication of false information in anconsumer credit report. Each argument is a class in itself
FDCPA as a friend
If you conduct your business honestly, ethically and in good faith with respect to all FDCPA regulations can be sure that the law protects the rights to collect debts for the purchase from time to time as protecting debtors to collect. Communication is only when and how to communicate. Avoid any form of improper disclosure. Do not threaten any action(Legal or not) can legitimately pursue. Do not be to identify any false information in a credit report. In doing so, the FDCPA allows you to perform your business with the same fervor as you want.
FDCPA as an enemy
I have no doubt in his mind that the FDCPA is a regulation to protect debtors against improper billing practices and illegal. If you knowingly or unknowingly, violate the rules, which may be subject tosevere financial penalties. You can open up to lawsuits against it. There are many unscrupulous lenders out there who live in a rape trap to collect some easy money from you. Get proper training in the FDCPA stop him from becoming your worst enemy.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Suits, complaints targeting debt collectors on rise.: An article from: Arkansas Business best price !
This digital document is an article from Arkansas Business, published by Journal Publishing, Inc. on June 20, 2011. The length of the article is 1616 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
Citation Details
Title: Suits, complaints targeting debt collectors on rise.
Author: Mark Friedman
Publication:Arkansas Business (Magazine/Journal)
Date: June 20, 2011
Publisher: Journal Publishing, Inc.
Volume: 28 Issue: 25 Page: 1(2)
Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning
Check best price for Suits, complaints targeting debt collectors on rise.: An article from: Arkansas Business and free ship now!.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Offer of judgment does not derail class action, Third Circuit holds.: An article from: Trial best price !
This digital document is an article from Trial, published by Association of Trial Lawyers of America on December 1, 2004. The length of the article is 646 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
Citation Details
Title: Offer of judgment does not derail class action, Third Circuit holds.
Author: Sara Hoffman Jurand
Publication:Trial (Magazine/Journal)
Date: December 1, 2004
Publisher: Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Volume: 40 Issue: 13 Page: 61(1)
Distributed by Thomson Gale
Check best price for Offer of judgment does not derail class action, Third Circuit holds.: An article from: Trial and free ship now!.
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Saturday, August 27, 2011
Three elements to validate the credit card debt and get rid of E
This is so important that someone should say it now!
If you have unmanageable debt and be rid of it, make sure you know all the options. Consumers are placed in a corner because of overwhelming credit card debt. Foreclosure and bankruptcy is at a record high, not enough money to pay around all the major banks and consumers often have to rob Peter to pay Paul. Educating yourself is the only solution that can address disasteragainst the debt bubble.
One option you have is debt validation. If you have fallen behind and deal with debt collectors by a third party to validate the debt and prove that they really owe. There are laws that apply to the debt validation and is an excellent weapon against debt collectors from a third party. Make sure the collection agency of third parties are entitled to collect money from you beforepay.
You can ask collectors to provide these three elements to validate the debt:
1. Show that a contract exists. Require proof that the collection agency owns the debt or has won the right to collect the debt. There may be a contract between the collection agency and the original creditor, but this does not mean that there is a contract between you and the collection agency. In fact there iscontract between you and the collection agency and collection attempts are an effort to get a new contract. Once you send them a penny they have a new contract.
2. Provide a statement. The collector must have a bank statement that shows exactly how the collector has developed the amount of money you're trying to get you. This is a case you may want to look into the status of the fields see Wilber LawThe company, Donald L. Kenneth Wilber and Wilber, USCA-02-C-0072, 7th Circuit Court, September 2004.
3. Providing a loan agreement signed copy of the original application or credit card. This is optional, since if the debt collector has provided a statement that the original creditor, then this condition is met.
Collectors are usually paid a percentage of the amount collected. You can also earn money pocketing the difference betweensums paid for the purchase of debt and the amount received by the debtor goes for the junk debt buyers.
Note that if the contract with the original creditor says, "the debtor agrees to be responsible for paying this debt to the creditor or his successor," this means you may need to negotiate or settle the debt for less than .
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) says is theirsRights to validate the debt and the creditor must prove the debt. There must be real and documentary evidence of any spreadsheet program.
The FDCPA says creditors are not allowed to collect the debt if you can not verify a debt, and is not allowed to contact you about the debt, or debt to signal information in your credit report. If this information is reported on credit relationship, then it is a violation of another law called the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and may sue for damages of $ 1,000 for violations of the laws.
The traditional debt relief may not work for all situations. If you are drowning in debt, it is vital that you are seeking information on the validation of the debt that you can do yourself. There are also programs to help alleviate the debt of practitioners to validate claims orStrategies> Debt does not want to lose yourself. These are rights-based programs that can legally be free of debt, or even delete them.
The practices of debt collection - know your rights
Friday, August 26, 2011
Such heartbreaking debt
Despite the existence of a federal law that regulates the field of debt collection, collectors often take the low road in an attempt to convince consumers to pay. The terrible stories are endless, but are very real to those who are victims of debt collector.
The collectors have, for example, are known to threaten consumers with the arrest, trial and imprisonment. Not long ago a credit collection agency Pennsylvania was arrestedillegal practices. It turns out that the company had built a mock runway and "serve" consumers looking documents and teaching law and appear in "court". This may seem a particularly egregious example of abuse, but such extremes are more common than you might think.
Take the prison, for example. According to an article published by a major business newspaper at least 16 states have laws on the books that say that those who have money can go to jail. Debt collection agencies to take advantage of these laws, sometimes sending people to jail for debts under $ 100.
Other horror stories have a debt that has threatened to take possession of the vehicle from one parent to the social networking site his daughter, and collectors who embarrass consumers, not so cryptic, leave voice messages that are easily accessible others.
These examples illustrate the down and dirty tactics used by some collectors when a> The debt is legitimate, there are many others that occur to consumers who do not even have the money. Too often, companies that buy debt do not really have much information about the person who owes money. They may have a name or phone number. Then, the company thrives on large databases owned by other companies to try to rebuild the consumer identification information. Often, partial information or data that is simply wrong. When this happens, acollection agency debt dog could someone with a similar name to the person who owes money, or someone who has a phone number, once in the hands of someone who owes them money. After the nightmare of repeated phone calls and harassment begins. Sometimes the collection agency credit report also breaks down the wrong person, making it more expensive for a person to borrow money (through higher interest rates), making it difficult to rent an apartment, or dothe impossibility of finding a job or a promotion (through the employer credit checks).
What can a consumer if he or she has been through the wringer with a collection agency? First, it is important to understand that the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibits certain behaviors. Second, the FDCPA says that if a debt collector has crossed the line, the consumer can sue the collector, and receive up tothousand dollars plus legal fees. For this reason, it is important to consult an attorney for the right debt - and not cost a dime. Finally, it is important to file a complaint with the Attorney General and another with the Federal Trade Commission. Both agencies track complaints and used as a basis for making the bad players in court. While state and federal agencies can not represent individual consumers, a pattern of complaints led to a demand to keepagencies responsible for debt recovery.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Fair Debt Collection 2001 Supplement best price !
This is the 2001 Supplement to Fair Debt Collection (4th ed. 2000) with a cd-rom that includes the 4th edition and supplemental infomation of this volume.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Credit Cards: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Could Better Reflect the Evolving Debt Collection Marketplace and Use of Technology.: An article from: General Accounting Office Reports & Testimony best price !
This digital document is an article from General Accounting Office Reports & Testimony, published by Stonehenge International on November 1, 2009. The length of the article is 1032 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
Citation Details
Title: Credit Cards: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Could Better Reflect the Evolving Debt Collection Marketplace and Use of Technology.
Author: Unavailable
Publication:General Accounting Office Reports & Testimony (Report)
Date: November 1, 2009
Publisher: Stonehenge International
Volume: 2009 Issue: 11 Page: NA
Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Risk Management, Derivatives, and Financial Analysis under SFAS No. 133 best price !
The authors begin this monograph by providing an overview of the elements of risk management and then delve into the specifics of derivative and hedging activity under SFAS No. 133. They conclude by coming full circle and discussing the implications for financial analysts of a firm's risk management practices and its derivative and hedging activity. Although no single work can be an exhaustive discussion of risk management, derivatives, and SFAS No. 133, this monograph fills in many of the gaps and sets a precedent of clarity and usefulness for others to follow.
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Monday, August 22, 2011
The demands of credit card debt are two types of plaintiffs
In the case of credit card debt, collection attorneys represent both an original creditor, a business charge card, or a junk debt buyer, a company that has purchased a credit card with a lot of other card companies credit. In response to the words of his charge card debt and require documentation of the alleged debt to pay is the key to defeating the two types of players.
Original creditors tend not to sue, most experts in the report, while the garbageDebt Buyers> many "weak" borrowers and tend not to pursue the debt if the answer is quoted.
Junk debt buyers use sophisticated software to detect the most likely to pay, under the guidance of survival of credit card debt. Next, through a network of local collection lawyers, sometimes covered consumers in the hope that the citations to all consumers do not answer the call, and a sentence in absentia for the junk debtResults buyer. If a consumer responds by asking the original debt documentation is not available for the junk debt buyer, the buyer does not seek the cause of junk debt. In an article on Fair Practices Act, debt collection law in the Official ruling of Wisconsin, said {Palisades Acquisition LLC, a junk debt buyer} business model is unique in obtaining the default judgment debtors, but not reallytreatment of cases. When [the debtor defendant] appeared for trial, Palisades closed the case.
The credit card companies, the original creditors are set to meet the needs of a lawsuit against the owner of a collection attorney delinquent account. Computerized their operations do not contain paper documents. Everything is digital. There are employees who have personal knowledge of the accounts of a single consumer is able to swear in an affidavit that the accuracy of the impressionsaccount information. these companies are struggling to meet the challenge to account for how they came to the exact amount owed to the generally accepted accounting practices and keep track of expenses and payment of back surgery.
Lawyers involved in the process of collecting more documentation of the original creditor, the more time they spend. The boundaries of the states' fiscal constraints "of what can reasonably be expected to be paid for their time. Furthermore, noget paid unless the case is won and the money results ruler. When there's money, the original creditor pay 30 percent of the proceeds. Therefore, it is usually worth the time to do a trial lawyer collecting credit cards if the consumer responds competently.
If consumers can not pay their debt burdens of the card and the misfortune of receiving a summons for the debt, can be educated on how to answer thisquote in a book as a guide to survival of the credit card debt. Then you can take advantage of the system's debt collection lawyers use to make money not to pursue the cases that need more work than an order judiciary.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
PREVENTION COLLECTION AND "the best medicine in Chicago
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times best price !
An insightful look at how to protect, save, and grow wealth in difficult economic times
Having an effective financial and personal plan for the future is now more crucial than ever. And with the bestselling The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide now in paperback, you'll quickly learn how to create such a plan. This comprehensive guide was especially designed to help people map out a practical financial plan in this unpredictable economic environment, so that they can stop worrying about their money and just enjoy life.
Step by step, Martin Weiss-America's Consumer Advocate for Financial Safety-introduces, explains, and helps solve many of the new challenges and risks that face millions of Americans. Throughout the book, Weiss provides you with sound strategies for coping with the credit crunch, housing bust, and decline of the U.S. dollar.
- Discusses different ways to adapt to the realities of continuous market volatility
- Contains solutions to dealing with sinking real estate or falling stocks
- Examines the opportunities you'll have to buy choice assets at bargain prices during a depressed economy
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide also examines important topics that today's investor must be familiar with-including global investing, foreign currencies, and commodities-if they intend to make it through the decade ahead.
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- The Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order
- Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Problems with cash flow? 3 debt collection techniques that can improve business results "
Effective techniques for debt collection are necessary for any company, regardless of economic climate. Knowing how to reach your customers to pay their debts in arrears in time will increase cash flow. After all, a business, you have to pay their debts. In the absence of sufficient cash flow, risk of falling behind in their obligations, leading to problems with suppliers and / or loss of conditions easy credit with your bank orlender.
Learn to master the techniques of debt can mean the difference between surviving and thriving in your business.
Here are three techniques for collecting the debt to improve cash flow business:
1. Payment terms change
Be sure to indicate clearly on all invoices and budgets, provided that the payment terms. Many companies allow 30-60 days before payment is due. Maybe you should consider reducingpayment terms to 14 days or 21 days.
Modifies the payment terms may mean the ability to receive their money as soon as possible. It may also mean that an account becomes delinquent one month without pay. They have the right to initiate collection activities, including the most precious time has passed.
2. Reminder Written Declaration and follow-up calls
Once an account becomes delinquent, send a reminder to customers to encourageto pay the bill. This should be done with care and attention in his letter, since the laws concerning debt collection techniques, are very specific. Sending written correspondence also means you now have a record of your attempt to collect the debt maturing in the case that the rise of problems in the future.
You should also call the customer and remind them of their delinquent debt, and provide an estimated time frame for payment. Again, be careful in yourcommunications, the choice of text, and the time of your call.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), borrowers are offered some protection. Be sure to follow the laws and guidelines, depending on the contact methods you choose.
3. Third Party Collection Agencies
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, some customers do not pay their debts. Although some of its customersmay be experiencing financial problems, this does not help your business if they have already received the goods or services to you in good faith and are now able to pay the bill.
When you have exhausted all domestic avenues of debt collection options, it's time to call the third party collection agency to pursue past due balance for you.
Collection agencies are professionals in their field of expertise. This means that you are well awarespecific rules and regulations surrounding the field of debt collection. They are able to act on behalf to recover any payment due to criminals and gathering techniques used by debt are specifically designed to provide a flow of cash in business as soon as possible.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Debt collection and deception in the last
Not all collection agencies are harassing criminals for money, but the reality is there. Some tips and tricks are not really own. The company could make a mistake. Make sure you understand your rights in your state and country. Sometimes a collection agency that is in contact with you is not even true, and that the author is trying to steal the identity of future credit card fraud. Here are some things that should belooking for.
These take place every day. Does anyone have a similar name to you, and you start getting harassed by a collection company. I understand that if you do not have debt, you have to do anything. Check your credit report and see if something exists. If you can not have this debt, you must write a letter to the company and threaten legal action. Bullying is a serious crime and could cost theAgency expensive.
Harassing his family.
Some agencies will try to tell his family, who are responsible for their debt. The debt is explicitly the right. Can not be transferred to others unless he signed as security for your loan. Again, his family shall inform the agency that you are breaking the law.
The recovery of fake companies.
Believe it or not exist. Someonecollects the money and know that you have a loan or debt, and then proceed to act as if it were a collection agency. Every time you are contacted by a collection agency, full details of your company and do some research . Some of these companies may also try to imitate their utility. They will use an account for you to pay your bills of exception, which does not exist. Some of these companies also issue a series offalse documents such as court orders.
This is a common practice among those who seek their personal information. They may have collected some of their data and need more to complete the full identity fraud. I am in contact with you and call you back and try to explain that they have no debt. In this process, is to provide information about you, and you say you are a person with the same name and do not worry. Nowthey have everything to abuse your credit card or other details. Phishing is becoming more sophisticated as more protective barriers against this. Those who do can get you a variety of angles. Posing as a service to recover the debt is one of the strategies used.
Hosting Internet scams.
This is another way some people try to cheat your money. They imitate their ISP, and how their data from aonline research simple 'whois', then tells you the amounts are due on your account. If you ever approached by someone who should always contact their supplier directly and also to control the details of the collection agency. If you ever contact a debt collection company, think twice and be very careful to give disclose any information.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Fair values of equity and debt securities and share prices of property-liability insurers.: An article from: Journal of Risk and Insurance best price !
This digital document is an article from Journal of Risk and Insurance, published by American Risk and Insurance Association, Inc. on December 1, 1995. The length of the article is 8822 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
From the supplier: The relationship of fair values of equity and fair maturity debt securities and share prices of property-liability insurers is studied. Results show that fair values of equity investments and US Treasury investments can account for property-liability share prices after historical costs are controlled. Fair values of other investment securities do not account for the share prices beyond historical costs.
Citation Details
Title: Fair values of equity and debt securities and share prices of property-liability insurers.
Author: Kathy Ruby Petroni
Publication:Journal of Risk and Insurance (Refereed)
Date: December 1, 1995
Publisher: American Risk and Insurance Association, Inc.
Volume: v62 Issue: n4 Page: p719(19)
Distributed by Thomson Gale
Check best price for Fair values of equity and debt securities and share prices of property-liability insurers.: An article from: Journal of Risk and Insurance and free ship now!.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
God and debt
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times best price !
An insightful look at how to protect, save, and grow wealth in difficult economic times
Having an effective financial and personal plan for the future is now more crucial than ever. And with the bestselling The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide now in paperback, you'll quickly learn how to create such a plan. This comprehensive guide was especially designed to help people map out a practical financial plan in this unpredictable economic environment, so that they can stop worrying about their money and just enjoy life.
Step by step, Martin Weiss-America's Consumer Advocate for Financial Safety-introduces, explains, and helps solve many of the new challenges and risks that face millions of Americans. Throughout the book, Weiss provides you with sound strategies for coping with the credit crunch, housing bust, and decline of the U.S. dollar.
- Discusses different ways to adapt to the realities of continuous market volatility
- Contains solutions to dealing with sinking real estate or falling stocks
- Examines the opportunities you'll have to buy choice assets at bargain prices during a depressed economy
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide also examines important topics that today's investor must be familiar with-including global investing, foreign currencies, and commodities-if they intend to make it through the decade ahead.
Check best price for The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times and free ship now!.
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- The Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order
- The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide: The Smartest Money Moves to Prepare for Any Crisis
Monday, August 15, 2011
Collection practices of the Agency
The following information is useful for creditors who are collecting money themselves, or seek help from a collection agency. You can use these collection agency practices guidelines in the assessment of your home collection procedures. For more detailed information See Good Practice Fair Debt Collection
How can a collection agency to contact a debtor?
ADebt> debt collection agency may contact a debtor in person, by mail, telephone, telegram or fax.
Collection agency can not contact the debtor:
> Before 08:00 or after 9 pm;
> In places uncomfortable or unreasonable;
> For a job if you know the employer prohibits such contacts;
> If you know a lawyer to represent the debtor, the attorney should contact their place.
A debtor can stop a collectionSince contact with your agency?
A debtor can stop a collection agency contacted them in writing a letter to the collection agency telling them to cease all communication with and directly to the creditor.
Once the collection agency receives the letter, unable to contact the debtor again except to say that no more contacts. Another exception is that the agency may notify the debtor if the debt collector orthe creditor intends to take some specific action. Leave contact does not preclude a lawsuit.
Collection agency may contact any other person of a debt?
A collector may contact someone other than the debtor only to discover or verify the location of the debtor. The collector must:
> Identify itself, but must identify your employer if expressly requested to do so;
> Not disclose the indebtedness of consumers than any otherother than the debtor or his / her attorney;
> Do not use a card or otherwise reveal the activity of debt collection.
The collection agency may contact any person other than the debtor in a case at once.
Debt Validation
Within five days after contact with the debtor to pay a debt collection agency must send a written notice that includes:
> The name of the creditor and the amount of the debt;
>That debt must be considered valid unless disputed within 30 days, if disputed, the collector of the check and send a copy of the check or a decision against the consumer. During a period in which the debt is being verified, the collector can not obtain payment in the dark.
Debt Collection Practices that are prohibited
Harassment debt collectors may not harass ..., oppress, or abuse any person may not:
>Use threats of violence or harm against the person, property or reputation;
> Post the list of consumers who refuse to pay their debts, except to a credit bureau or advertising of the debt;
> Use obscene or profane language;
> Repeatedly use the telephone to annoy someone;
> People without identification of the phone.
Misrepresentation ... Debt collectors may not use false statements when collecting a debt, butcan not:
> The use of false, misleading about their identity, such as falsely implying that they are attorneys or government representatives;
> Falsely imply that the debtor has committed an offense or a state that will be arrested if a debtor can not repay the debt;
> Misrepresent the amount of outstanding debt;
> Misrepresent the involvement of a lawyer to collect a debt;
> Indicates that the documents are sent to adebtor are legal forms when they are not, or indicate that papers being sent to a debtor that is not legal when they are;
> State will seize, garnish, attach, or sell the debtor's property or wages unless the creditor, or intend to do so and it is legal to do so;
> Give false credit information about a debtor to none.
Debt collectors ... unfair practices not engage in unfair practices such as:
> Pick any numbermore than one debt, unless allowed by law;
> Make a debtor accept collect calls or pay for telegrams;
> Depositing a post-dated check prematurely
Ways to deal with debt collectors
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Debt-Free Millionaire: Winning Strategies to Creating Great Credit and Retiring Rich best price !
Praise for The Debt-Free Millionaire
"The Debt-Free Millionaire is a clarion call for a generation that was brought up on spending tomorrow's money today. As someone who spent time in the financial services industry, I can unequivocally state that Anthony's pragmatic and refreshingly contrarian approach to the real secrets of cash-flow management—and leveraging the credit system—are a breath of fresh air in a smog-choked world of misinformation and confusing financial advice.I can think of a million reasons to read it."
—Michael DiFrisco President, BrandXcellence
"Read this book. Do what it says. Start living the dream. If you're ready totake charge of your financial future, this is the place to start."
—Keith J. Cunningham Keys to the Vault & Business School for Entrepreneurs
"The Debt-Free Millionaire offers unique insights, little known strategies and easy-to-understand practical tools to first manage then eliminate debt. It is amust read for both consumers and financial professionals to better explain the often complex world of debt management. More like getting sensible advice from a good friend than a technical financial advisor."
—Roy Balfour President of Ro-Mart Inc.
"Tony has produced a clear and straightforward guide to debt, and how to eliminate it, that is as timely as it is needed. Anyone who follows the program in this book will be glad they did."
—Jeffrey K. Meek Former Vice President–Recovery Operations, WaMu Card Services
"Great for readers of all ages and in all financial stages. This isn't one of those get-rich-quick schemes. This book provides a foundation for a paradigm shift in your thinking process and allows for you to see how toachieve the seemingly unachievable. I was hooked from the beginning!"
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
You are accepting calls from collection of the U.S. Office?
Friday, August 12, 2011
Official time: Good value for the taxpayer?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Bill collector harassment can be stopped
If you have accounts that can not pay, or pay with a credit card that you can not do, you're not alone. There are thousands of people exactly where you can find yourself you have not been irresponsible, it's just the way life is. Easy credit is everywhere and as long as the income remains at the forefront of their success, then all is well.
But just to throw a few wrinkles, such as job loss or some unexpected emergency repairs of the house, and bang, beforeyou know that your balance is unsustainable. To make matters worse, companies that have paid the money, start adding interest at an alarming rate. Now I'm in real trouble.
At this point you really do not have enough money to keep up with the minimum amounts that are necessary and start missing payments. Then just try to ignore the whole mess.
Then, the nightmare comes when collection agencies started to contact the user with courtesyfirst asked to pay the debt. Sounds great, but unless you agree and follow the promises, calls to be decidedly hostile.
Some collectors use different methods of harassment. You can call you at work or at home any time of day and night. That could threaten foreclosure, imprisonment, or seizure of bank account. The caller can fail to identify with, or imply that he or she is a attorney when they are not.
The end result is that you should take the initiative to seek a solution to resolve the debt problem. You need someone to take his side. You're less than a person just because they can not pay your bills.This is where an assistant can help reduce debt. There are many debt settlement or debt negotiation companies available to lawyers who are trained in this specific area .
Not only with the support of > Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which became law in the United States to stop debt collection unfair or abusive. If you know your rights, hire a lawyer specializing in debt reduction law. The FDCPA exists for make common tactic often used by illegal collection agencies.
If you feel you are being harassed, inform a lawyer who specializes in this areaDebt> relief. Keep accurate records of all telephone calls and other contacts with the tax collector. If it is found that unscrupulous methods are used, you may be entitled to monetary compensation.
Like all things in life, an approach is better informed about any problem you face. Learn your rights. Then, with the strong arm of the FDCPA by your side, you can do to stop debt collector harassment.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Collectors of 10 ways to break the law
Dateline NBC credit card debt trap - 10/07 Part
Monday, August 8, 2011
The fight against abusive debt collectors
Sunday, August 7, 2011
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Saturday, August 6, 2011
Senate Session 09/06/2011 (10:33:24-12:12:01)
Friday, August 5, 2011
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General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1881 Original Publisher: n.p. Subjects: Virginia History / United States / State
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Thursday, August 4, 2011
Tips for collecting 101
Collections are now said to be 95% and 5% psychology of the muscles. This article is a compilation of time-tested tips, techniques and thoughts that can help you and your organization to raise more money, faster, with less. Much of what is contained in this article may be common knowledge and the kind of things you and your organization are already doing every day. However, there are bound to be different ideas and action-oriented suggestions, implement them, whichhelp you do better on your credit.
I: Warning signs of potential credit and collection problems:
1. Numerous applications of your accounts.
2. Frequently changing customer banks.
3. Customer requests for clarification or service tests more frequently.
4. Changes in customer payment patterns.
5. Partial payments in lieu of payment in full.
6. Problems in the geographical area of the client.
7. Problemsclient's industry.
II: Warning Signs Consult your sales force in the First of May:
8. The levels of reduction of order.
9. Empty shelves in a warehouse or retail.
10. Plant operating at less than capacity.
11. Important customers of your customer is a problem.
12. The loss of key personnel.
13. Large layoffs or reductions in hours.
14. Tour restricted areas of the plant.
III: The warning signs of possible checks Problems:
15. Check with numbers printed on 300.
16. No name or address printed on the checks.
17. Initial checks with no printed information.
18. Address on the check and identification do not match.
19. No ID or picture ID expired.
IV: Why do I have collection problems:
20. Fear of loss of future business (not actively looking bad debt for fear of losing future work).
21. No Credit> Collection policy or political course.
22. Lack of collection of the training.
23. Reluctance to use external sources of funding early in the cycle of crime.
V: Seven reasons to have a formal written credit and collection policy:
24. Clarify who does what.
25. Providing training.
26. Supports actions.
27. Prevents unauthorized changes.
28. Encourages consistency.
29. Reduce wastetime.
30. Meets 95% of routine questions.
VI: Develop your credit and the "ability" Collection
31. Two basic concepts: (1) Time is the most important factor in the deterioration in the collectibility of an account, and (2) You can never have enough resources to collect all the default options.
32. Implement a program of early referral or treatment in order to maximize the recovery of internal and external.
33. Timely guidance programs, in addition to the collection, aidto identify and locate unpaid slow-pay and treat each accordingly.
34. Accounts 60 days or younger are more than 80% of the collection.
35. Accounts over 90 days old are generally less than 50% to collection (internally).
36. Working less than 60 days delinquent accounts in general, maximize the internal rate of return and recovery. We use a third for those aged 60 to 90 days late and easier to focus on the interior of slow pay accounts.
37. Develop and use a"60 days Tracking Program."
• Internal focusing all efforts on the frame that are more profitable.
• Home of offenders early - often in contact with them within 60 days.
• Get more while the 60 days pass.
38. Elements to be used within 60 days of Programme Monitoring - copies of statements / bills, letters, sales visits, telephone calls, suspend the credit.
39. After 60-90 days the choices are: continue to follow internallyresults of reduction, elimination, use of small claims court, an attorney or full-service agency for collection.
VII Collection letters:
40. The easiest way to raise money machines.
41. You can not solve problems or to determine if a payment problem.
42. A means of communication.
43. Subject to misunderstandings.
44. Collection of letters to maintain dialogue with the debtor.
45. Arelow cost.
46. It lays the foundation for the next action.
47. Allows the debtor to know that they have not forgotten them.
VIII: Other considerations in the use of reminder letters:
48. Electronic invoicing is not only the debtor.
49. His letter is in competition with professional mailers.
50. Change the look of each shipment.
51. It is necessary to deter debtors to dispose of the envelope.
52. It is necessary to encourage the debtor to open itsenvelope.
53. Increase the likelihood of positive results of your letter.
54. Address of holding a white envelope - you open it!
55. Add "address correction requested" and "Guaranteed shipping shipping" on the envelope.
56. Mark envelopes for encouraging openness. "Personal and Confidential," "Urgent," "Personal," "Confidential," "Do not bend"
57. Want to motivate debtors to pay for calls in their letters:
• "cost savings".
• "MaintainYour good credit history. "
• "still a value for the customer."
• "Avoid bad debt hard."
• "Avoid placing outside collection agency."
58. Make warning letters ever stronger.
IX: The collection phone calls.
59. Contact phone is more expensive but much more effective.
60. Letters and calls should incorporate monitoring of what is said in the letters.
61. Be two-waycommunications, calls can identify and solve problems.
62. Sell and maintain control over the collection calls.
X: the call of the collection:
63. The format of call pickup:
• Identify the debtor.
• Identify yourself.
• The demand for full payment.
• psychological breakdown.
• Determine problem or objection.
• Find a solution.
• Close call and getcommitment.
. Collection calls 64 years has three phases:
1. Opening phase.
2. Negotiation.
3. Closing.
Tactics Opening phase:
65. Verify the identity of the debtor. (I ask [name] ... is this him / her?)
66. Check the address of the debtor.
67. Identify.
68. Government debt (you owe us $ 567.35 ...).
69. Indicate the type of action you want. ("I need full paymenttoday. ")
70. Pause and let the debtor responds.
Negotiating tactics Phase 4-step (in this order):
71. First step: "I have to pay in full today."
72. Step Two: "When you send your payment in full?"
73. Step three: "How can you send today?"
74. Step four: "When I can expect payment?"
Close tactics:
75. Collector summarizes what is happening and when.
76. Payments are always expressed asamounts of money.
77. Points in time are always expressed as dates.
78. Debtors must confirm that you understand the following action on your part.
XI: The selection of Others:
79. Always use a full-service, compared to letter writing services, etc.
80. Search agencies reporting the accounts of all three major business credit reporting agencies.
81. Select an agency that operates on a national basis and not "local" or "regional" todebtors will be processed, even if they go outside their area.
82. Use an agency that provides optional services available litigation if a lawsuit becomes necessary.
XII: Twenty top tips - especially for doctors:
83. Conduct new patient pre-registration (and credit analysis) by phone or email before the first visit. This reduces the bottlenecks in the office and allows time for a study of credit.
84. Insurance Credit Bureaureports on new patients with poor credit history - to identify and resolve problems before they pay for services rendered.
85. Possible "warning signs" in the registration forms for new patients:
• Address - temporary or a post office box alone.
• Telephone - no one or restricted.
• Company address / phone - or equal to any home.
• Occupation - none.
• References - none, "a friend", "medical societies" or "yellow pages".
• Marital status - divorcedor separated, and unmarried young people.
• Age - the very young or very old.
• Lack of insurance coverage.
86. Medical hop (if known).
87. "What we have bills that are more important than your health?"
88. Collection ratio - 92% recovery of 95% is the average good for the majority of related studies.
XIII: Medical Appeals special collection called Debtor:
89. "I would say he has done several thousand dollars inrecent months, but only received a small payment. "
90. "It helped us in a time of need and in good faith, expected to be paid within a reasonable time."
91. "I know you want to protect your credit so you can feel comfortable if you or your family have to go back."
92. "In addition to an existing loan (for us to pay) ... or let some bills are others like ours that has for the past few months."
... Know the law debt collection, CollectionCredit bureaus and offices are highly regulated. Complete copies of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and a sample agreement approved HIPAA health professionals are available at: [ / regulations]
These are the 101 credit and collection tips and techniques, if applied effectively, can improve cash flow and translatein improving the profitability of the company.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
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General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1881 Original Publisher: n.p. Subjects: Virginia History / United States / State
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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